
5 ways to travel the world for free

There are many of us who constantly dream about traveling the world, but only a few individuals actually start to live their dreams. Here are 5 ways to travel the world even if you don't have the fattest wallet in your pocket. You can no longer make excuses for not traveling because you have no money. Where there is will and courage, there is a way, so: BON VOYAGE!

1. Stay with local residents

Surf for free on a stranger's couch.
Surf for free on a stranger's couch.

Hotels, hostels, airbnbs and the like are practical solutions for where to live during your stay abroad, if you have a big wallet and no particular desire to really experience life in a foreign city in contact with the local population. But if the described example does not apply to you, it is an ideal solution COUCH SURFING. The point is that through the Couchsurfing portal in the city you want to visit, you can find open-minded locals who are ready to welcome you. welcome to your home for free and even you show off the sights – in exchange for the experience they get getting to know you and other travelers from around the world. If you are open enough, you can also offer your sofa to travelers visiting Slovenia.

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2. Switch homes

Trade your home.
Trade your home.

For this method of free travel, you need two things: your apartment or house and some confidence. HOMEEXCHANGE allows you to for a certain period you exchange houses with strangers. This way, you will experience the most authentic experience of living abroad in the comfort of a foreign home, but if you have taken a look the movie Vacation (The Holidays) with Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law and Jack Black, and you can imagine that it also includes a love story and a completely unexpected change of life forever.

3. Work on the farm

Breathe in the fresh air on an organic farm.
Breathe in the fresh air on an organic farm.

If you want to escape from everyday life to the beauty of nature for a while and at the same time stay abroad for free, a great solution is to work on organic farms. On websites like WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) are collected farms that offer the possibility to stay with them you stay for free in exchange for a few hours of light physical work and farm work in the fresh air, and friendly farm owners often offer you free meals.

4. Find a (voluntary) job abroad

There are many opportunities to work abroad.
There are many opportunities to work abroad.

No matter how much there is talk about the lack of jobs, the opportunities to work abroad are huge. Girls can as AU PAIR you live with a foreign family, where you look after the children for a few hours a day and do light household chores. An increasing number of low-cost airlines are also looking FLIGHT ATTENDANTS. The third option is websites like WORKAWAY, whose logic is simple and great for everyone involved: in exchange for accommodation and food abroad, you work a few hours a day. Are you doing something? It depends on the individual situation and location. There is a fourth option voluntary work – let's say in peacekeeping units (PEACE CORPS). As a volunteer with them, you will work in an area for 27 months, with paid transport, free accommodation, food, insurance and many other benefits, including as many as 48 days off to explore the near and far surroundings .

5. Free transportation

Travel in a cheaper, faster, more fun and nature-friendly way.
Travel in a cheaper, faster, more fun and more environmentally friendly way.

If you want to travel with your own car, you can cover the driving costs by taking other travelers with you. All you have to do is to go to a website like Slovenian TRANSPORT.ORG or extremely successful international CARPOOLING.COM register your transport abroad and set the price that your passengers will pay. Of course, this way you can also get to the desired location a lot cheaper and faster as you would with public transport, but at the same time you can you make new acquaintances (Carpooling likes to boast that 22 couples met through them and later got married) and you environmentally friendly.

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