
6 alarming signals that this is NOT a real friendship: He only talked about himself and is just taking advantage of you

Photo: envato

Do you have real friends? How to recognize the signs that a friendship is toxic and exploitative? Have you ever had the feeling that in a friendly relationship you are in the shadow of another person, where the whole conversation revolves only around them? How do you feel when the attention is finally on you, but he immediately interrupts you and starts talking about himself again?

Friendship it is one of the most precious and important relationships in our lives. However, there are times when the person pretending to be our friend is not really acting in your best interest.

These are those friends who they only talk about themselves, they take advantage of you or they don't give you the right support. In order to protect yourself from such harmful friendships, you should pay attention to certain signs.

Here are 6 warning signs that the person pretending to be your friend may not be who you think they are.

1. He is only focused on himself

You have a friend who constantly talks about himself, his life, work, children and problems, but never asks you about your life. When he finally turns his attention to you, he quickly interrupts you and starts talking about himself again. This kind of dynamic makes you feel like a secondary character in her world.

What are your friends like? Photo: Elevate / Pexels

2. Friendship is one-sided

Notice that your friend only remembers you when they are in trouble. A true friend is someone who is always there for you and helps you when you need it, no matter the time. However, if you're always the one to help but don't get the same support back, it's a sign of a one-sided friendship where the person is taking advantage of you.

3. You feel obligated to maintain the friendship

Maintaining a friendship that is only "by force" can be exhausting. Often people stay in touch with old friends out of a sense of duty, even though they have evolved and changed over the years. Maybe it's a childhood friend that you've stayed in touch with but no longer share interests with. If you feel more duty bound to friendship than desire for true friendship, consider the presence of this person in your life.

4. He is constantly competing with you

When you tell your friend about your success, instead of congratulations or a hug, they respond with their own achievements: "I made progress last week too!" Or when you've been working out together and you're exhausted, he says, "That was too easy for me." If you notice that a friend turns everything into a competition, you should carefully consider this friendship. Try to tell them how you feel about such responses, but if they are not receptive, it could be a sign that you are dealing with an alarming situation.

Do you have the right friends? Photo: Elle Hughes / Pexels

5. He doesn't know how to apologize

Conflicts can arise in any friendship, even in the healthiest of relationships. It is important that both communicate effectively and admit their mistakes. However, if a friend does not know how to admit his mistakes or apologize for his behavior, it will be difficult to establish trust and reliability in the friendship.

6. He doesn't respect your limits

In a healthy friendship, people understand that you may have times when you say "no" to them, or when you don't want to talk about a certain topic or participate in a certain activity. A true friend should understand and accept you, not pressure you. However, if you notice that a friend often violates your boundaries, this could be a sign of a toxic relationship.

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