
6 Astrological Signs Who Know What REAL Friendship Means

"Only true friends warn you when you have a dirty face." – a Sicilian proverb

For many people, a friendship that stands the test of time and is preserved over the years is a priceless treasure. A true friend is not a fleeting acquaintance you hang out with, but someone who will be there for you when things are bad, when you need someone to trust, to listen to you, to tell you that everything will be okay...

"A friend is a person with whom you dare to be who you are." – Pam Brown

In astrology, there are some signs that especially value the importance of true friendship.


They choose their friends extremely carefully. They have many acquaintances, but they trust only those closest to them. They value and cherish friendship. They are reliable, patient, loyal, emotional - they are ready to do anything for their friends. Friendship is a value for them. He is that friend you can be sure will keep his promises and be there when you need him.


They are sincere and make friendships very quickly, which often don't last long, but the real friendships they have from their youth last a lifetime. They are ready to help a friend at any time. They are very honest and openly express their resentment and do not know how to plot behind a person's back.

Aries are ready to help their friends at any time.
Aries are ready to help their friends at any time.


They are good friends especially to those who admire them, support them and are enthusiastic about the same things as them. They put as much into friendships as they get out of it. For a true friend, they will take their time and help him when needed. Starting a friendship with them means a long-term continuation, which they themselves rarely break. Although they move in crowds, they share their secrets with only a few.


They are very sociable and never lack friends in their lives. They believe in making new friendships, but they always keep and nurture the old ones. They completely trust only one friend. As a rule, they are chosen very carefully. They are open with their friends, and they expect the same from them. They will always be by your side in an accident, because they know how to sense problems perfectly.

Libras are open with their friends, and expect the same from them.
Libras are open with their friends, and expect the same from them.


They are reliable, patient, loyal friends who will help their friend in any way and will not leave him in the face of problems. They stay grounded in times of crisis. They have a very wide circle of acquaintances, it is very difficult to make real, deep and lasting friendships. If they accept you as a friend, you can trust them completely.


They have a wide circle of friends from different stages of life, because when you have a friend like them, it's a friend that stays with you forever. You can show them your vulnerability and talk about problems because they offer solutions. They often know what their friend needs before they ask for help. They are incredibly funny and you can never get bored with them, they know how to make you laugh to tears even when you are the saddest.

True friends will always be there for you when you need them.
True friends will always be there for you when you need them.

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