
6+ bad habits that make your body age faster while you sleep

Things we don't realize accelerate aging.

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Photo: envato elements

When we finally get comfortable in bed at night, it's a time when we all want our bodies to rest and regenerate. However, it often happens that we do things before sleep or during sleep that can accelerate the aging process of the body. In this article, we will explore these negative habits and how we can avoid them. These are the things that make us age faster while we sleep. That's it - 6+ bad habits that make your body age faster while you sleep.

Aging is an inevitable process that we all face. Nevertheless, each of us strives to make this journey as elegant and natural as possible. A large part of this effort is focused on skin care, quality sleep, and the use of premium skin care products. However, our sleep or the skin care products we choose can unknowingly accelerate the aging process. That's it - 6+ bad habits that make your body age faster while you sleep.

You would think that these activities help us maintain the youth and vitality of our skin. However, some habits can actually speed up the aging process. Discover what these habits are and how you can avoid them.

Photo: envato elements

#1. Sleeping on your side and its effect on skin aging

Side sleeping is a comfortable and popular position for many people. However, it has been shown that this habit can affect the appearance and health of the skin. Scientific research has investigated how sleeping on your side affects the aging process of the skin.

  • Increased risks of wrinkles and folds – Research has shown that sleeping on your side can cause lines and wrinkles to form on your face, especially around your eyes and mouth. This is due to the pressure of the face on the pillow and the rubbing of the skin against the fabric during sleep.
  • Eye swelling and dark circles – Sleeping on your side can lead to puffy eyes and dark circles, as the fluid from the face reaches the lower part of the face due to gravity. This can create a tired look and accentuate the signs of aging.
  • Loss of skin tension and collagen – Some research suggests that sleeping on your side for long periods of time can cause a loss of skin tension and collagen, the protein that keeps skin youthful and firm. The skin can become less elastic and more prone to wrinkles.

While these effects can be bothersome, of course not everyone who sleeps on their side will develop severe skin problems. However, those who are concerned about the effect of sleep on their skin can choose to change their sleeping habits. Sleeping on your back is one option that can reduce pressure on your face and reduce the risk of wrinkles.

It is important to note that everyone is different and there are many factors that affect skin aging. In addition to sleep, other aspects such as skin care, diet and sun exposure are also important. Therefore, comprehensive skin care and a healthy lifestyle are crucial to maintaining youthful and healthy skin.

Photo: envato elements

#2. Facial care before bed

Cleansing your face before going to bed is one of the most important steps in skin care. While it may seem tempting to leave makeup on your face and use it as an artistic canvas for nighttime expression, it's not the best idea if you want to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.

So why should you remove your makeup and take care of your skin before bed?

  • Removing dirt and impurities – During the day, our face accumulates dirt, dust, sweat, oil and make-up residues. All of these can clog pores and cause acne and pimples. Facial cleansing helps remove these impurities, helping to keep skin clear and clean.
  • Preventing Premature Aging – Makeup can contain chemicals and harsh ingredients that can damage the skin. If these ingredients are left on the face overnight, loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles and pigmentation changes can occur over time. Regular facial cleansing helps prevent these unpleasant effects.
  • Encouraging skin renewal - During sleep, the skin has a chance to renew itself. If she is burdened with layers of makeup, this process does not take place efficiently. Clean and nourished skin is easier to regenerate, leading to a healthier and more youthful appearance.

How to take proper care of your face before going to bed?

Use a gentle cleanser: Choose a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type. Gently cleanse your face and remove all make-up and impurities.

  1. Use a toner: Toner can help balance the pH of the skin and prepare the skin for further care.
  2. Apply a moisturizer or serum: Use a moisturizer or serum that suits your skin type. This will keep the skin hydrated and give it the nutrients it needs.
  3. Don't forget the area around the eyes: The skin around the eyes is sensitive and needs special care. Use a gentle eye cream to prevent dark circles and wrinkles.
  4. Regularly perform exfoliation and masks: In addition to the basic care, periodically perform peels and masks to remove dead skin cells and ensure a fresh and radiant appearance. Don't forget that skin care before bed is key to maintaining healthy, clean and youthful skin. So, instead of using your face as a canvas for night art, take care of its well-being and beauty with thorough cleansing and care. Your skin will thank you! 😊

#3. Excessive use of care products

The more products, the more likely you will look like a lab experiment. Why have just one product when you can have a whole collection? Your skin will thank you for this experimentation.

Photo: envato elements

#4. Insufficient hydration

Who needs hydration when skin can become dry and wrinkled and look like crumpled paper? Your skin is just one of the many surfaces you can use to fold origami.

#5. Excessive exposure to digital screens

Why avoid the blue light of digital screens when your skin can get a unique blue glow? Your friends will be impressed by your futuristic look.

#6. Poor nutrition

Believe it or not, your diet can also affect the skin's aging process. Excessive consumption of sugar, alcohol and processed foods can contribute to faster skin aging. Sugar, for example, can cause a process in the body known as glycation, which can damage collagen and elastin—the proteins that give skin its youthful appearance. Processed foods and alcohol can also dehydrate the skin and cause inflammation. Instead, try eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, which can help protect your skin from damage.

These are the things that affect that your body ages faster while you sleep.  In conclusion, the most important thing is to be aware of your daily habits and how they affect your skin. With something simple adjustments we can help resist the aging process and keep the skin youthful and healthy for a long time. Take the time to care for your skin, ensure proper hydration and ensure your skin gets everything it needs to regenerate while you sleep. Keep your skin care routine effective and simple so you can enjoy its benefits without unnecessary stress. And don't forget, laughter is also great therapy for a youthful appearance! Smiling skin is the most beautiful skin!

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