
6 Clear Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You - The Complete Guide For Men "How Not To Be Surprised"

Signs that she will cheat on you

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Photo: envato elements

Although all men would like a universal guide to understanding women, female psychology is complex, enigmatic and multi-layered. However, there are some signs we can look for when we suspect our partner is prone to cheating. Here are six clear signs that your girlfriend is cheating on you. This is not a rocket science, but a rocket for understanding women - much more complex.

Is your girlfriend going to cheat on you?! These are the clear signs that psychology and research are talking about!

Phone tricks

If you notice that your sweetheart has suddenly become a digital Houdini, mysteriously locking her phone and keeping it away from your prying eyes, it could be a sign that she has something to hide. A study published in the Journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking found that there is a link between the use of social networks and the likelihood of cheating. No, we're not suggesting you become a digital detective, but watch out for screens that suddenly go black when you walk by.

Photo: envato elements

As time goes on, so does she become more and more distant

Has your girlfriend started spending more time away from home, without a clear explanation? A 2017 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who cheat often become less attentive to their partners. If her absence seems to be increasing, and she responds to your questions with answers like "I just have some work to do" or "I need some time to myself", then this could be a red flag.

your girlfriend cheated
Photo: envato elements

A decline in physical intimacy

A sudden decline in physical intimacy can be one of the clear signs that something is wrong. While this could be due to a variety of things, such as stress or health issues, it could also be an indication of her interest in someone else. But don't jump to conclusions - don't turn into Sherlock Holmes every time you have a headache.

  • When do you know a girl is cheating on you?
  • Clear signs that your girlfriend is cheating on you!
  • What does a girl do when she cheats on you?

Grievances from the past

According to some experts, if your partner has unresolved grievances from the past, this can be an indicator that she will cheat. This is not to say that every unresolved argument will lead to infidelity, but it is true that grudges are like nuclear energy - they can be used to power a city or to destroy a city. Be careful.

Increased concern for appearance

Has your girlfriend suddenly started paying more attention to her appearance, buying new clothes, visiting the gym more often? This could be a sign that he is trying to impress someone else. But be careful, don't jump to the wrong conclusions, maybe she just wants to refresh her wardrobe!

Her friends are cheating

Yes, it sounds like a scene from some drama, but a 2015 study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior shows that if a woman has friends who cheat, she's more likely to cheat herself. This is not necessary, of course, but check who her friends are and what their love habits are.

Photo: envato elements

Remember, dear readers, these signs are not proof of cheating, but can be indicators of problems in the relationship. Therefore, it is always best to communicate with your partner and face any problems before they become unsolvable.

And finally, always remember the blues words of our editor: "Women are like a Rubik's cube - when you think you've solved it, you realize you've only mixed up the colors even more."

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