
6 cycling accessories made by real geeks

For all cycling enthusiasts, we have collected some interesting and useful products to upgrade your environmentally friendly means of transport. From the light GPS system, the alarm that goes off when the bike is stolen, the invisible and collapsible helmet, the bike that can go up the hill almost by itself, all the way to the very, very loud bell that will make no one ever say that he didn't hear you!

1. Hammerhead

It is often a necessary accessory for anyone who explores the world by bicycle GPS device. However, since it is dangerous to look away from the road, it is necessary to stop again and again. With the device Hammerhead this will no longer be necessary. Technology LED lights tells you the direction of the turn and warns you of dangers ahead. And smartphone connectivity enables a complete analysis of the route, from speed to the time required to climb a particular climb. Available on the official website hammerhead.io for 85 euros.

2. Overade folding helmet

It is a mandatory part of the equipment helmet, which can be awkward to carry when you go on errands by bike. Auditions the helmet folds down to a third of its original size, making it easier to store it in a backpack or carry it in your hand. Basic model will be available for 75 euros.

3. Bull Spike

They are a big problem of bigger cities bike theft, but with a device Bull Spike you will no longer be afraid of someone taking away your favorite means of transport. The device connects to your smartphone and notifies you with an alarm the moment the bike moves. In addition, it continuously records and displays the journey completed on the phone, which would eliminate the worries of parents whose children like to cycle in the area. Available on the official site Bull Spike for 129 euros.

4. Orp SmartHorn

Has it ever happened to you that someone didn't hear you? bells or alerts when you're grinding your bike down the track? With a special bell Orp SmartHorn, cars will also retreat from you if necessary. Sound intensity is measured at 96 decibels, while the average loudness of your scream is 80 decibels. Of course, a switch on the ear is also possible for a more friendly warning. With additional light warning and no one will have the excuse of not having heard or seen you. You can pre-order on the official website Orpland.com, for which you will pay from 33 to 44 euros.

5. Copenhagen Wheel

Danes are known as "cycling country", since as much as 36 percent of the population uses a bicycle every day. Therefore, it is not surprising that innovative technology "smart bike” comes right from Denmark. City Copenhagen is in cooperation with the company MIT SENSEable City Lab developed a wheel that collects energy wheel drive and use it when you need it most. In this way, it will be easier for you to overcome the climbs, as the bike will benefit from the already "burned" energy. And smartphone connectivity enables assistance level settings. Pre-order is possible on the official website Superdestrian.com, and the accessory will cost you 585 euros.

6. Invisible bicycle helmet Hovding

Most people don't want to wear a bike helmet because it would ruin their new hairstyle. However, in the event of an accident with the worst outcome, the hairstyle does not help you at all. So how do you protect your head and avoid wearing a helmet? The answer represents Hovding an invisible cycling helmet that looks like a scarf at first glance. In the event of an accident, the airbag system is activated instantly and forms a protection around your head that is larger and more effective than a normal helmet. The only bad feature of this system is that it is intended for one-time use and 450 euros. You can order it here.

Check out our gallery of great bike accessories!

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