
6 habits that lead to better mental health

Everyday life is becoming more and more stressful. The pace is only accelerating, and the cries of how immeasurably far from perfection we are are getting louder and more persistent. That is why it is important to take care of our psychological well-being. A good month has already passed since the beginning of 2018, but there is still a lot of time ahead of us to do something for ourselves. You can start with this article: 6 Habits That Lead to Better Mental Health.

6 habits that lead to better mental health:

Don't lose sleep.

Of course, it happens here and there that we can't get 7-8 hours of sleep. There are periods in life when we don't sleep enough for a whole week. However, for the sake of your mental health, do not let this turn into an unhealthy habit. Lack of sleep has serious consequences on our physical and mental health.

Don't worry about problems that may never arise.

In 2005, a study was conducted in which they found that as many as 85 % things we worry about never come true. Therefore, excessive rumination and worry about the future is not really logical. But how to reduce anxiety? One of the techniques is mindfulness.

Stop dieting.

Of course, it is healthy to maintain a suitable body weight and physical health. However, obsessing over diets does more harm than good – especially to our mental health.

Eat a balanced diet, but don't go on strict diets
Eat a balanced diet, but don't go on strict diets

Start a new hobby.

Taking up a new hobby will give you the feeling of a fresh start and open up new horizons. You don't have to start running or doing fitness. Choose a leisure activity that will make you happy - it could be reading, writing, cooking, making albums, playing an instrument...

Limit your use of technology.

Unfortunately, technological detoxification is almost a necessity these days to maintain mental health. Screens accompany us everywhere - when we ride the city bus, when we get home, before bed, at lunch, at dinner... Set rules for yourself that you will adhere to uncompromisingly.

Get moving.

Exercise is vital for both physical and mental health. Yoga, running, fitness, swimming, long walks or cycling - find your sport that you enjoy and make sure you exercise three times a week.

READ MORE: The happiest man in the world reveals how to be happy

Take care of physical activity
Take care of physical activity.

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