Photo: Clem Onojeghuo/Unsplash

6 "modern" reasons why good relationships end these days

Love never stops. When you love someone with an all-encompassing and unconditional love, it lasts as long as you live, because they are a part of you. You don't love him the same way anymore, but you still love him in a way. Relationships end and die out.

You love someone, but you no longer want to be with them, to share your life, hopes and fears with them.

You feel that you are done with this person. While you could stay in this relationship for a million reasons for the rest of your life, you can leave it for one.

Love doesn't stop or change, but your feelings do. The path you are walking further distances you from your partner who is going in the other direction or because he is staying put.

The things that made you fall in love with someone no longer matter, priorities change. Why?

You are growing and changing

A common situation in relationships, relationships that last years or decades, is that the people in them change over the years. You may think that only you have changed.

You have grown personally, taken on life responsibilities, changed, but he has not. When you don't have the same life priorities, ambitions, interests and goals, the relationship cools down.

You didn't know it would be like this, you believed that you would go through life together, but it turns out that you are going alone, because your partner has no desire for anything to change.

We were so happy. Photo: Charly Pn / Unsplash

You ask what bothers you about him now, if you were so madly in love with him? And what bothers you is that he is still the same person you fell in love with, but you are no longer the person who fell in love with him.

A partner grows and changes

Yes, he is also evolving. But somewhere along the way you stopped being a couple because you don't develop in the same way, you don't nurture the same values, you want different things that cannot be reconciled and compromises made.

You discover that you no longer like your partner, that he has become different, too focused on material values, that the ideals you shared at the beginning have changed.

When you met you didn't know how different you were, but as you started to mature and discover yourself, it turned out that you weren't compatible enough to continue a relationship.

Your relationship is changing

A relationship has its own dynamics that embraces your changes and your statics, combines them and adapts them. What represents the MI in the relationship changes (or stagnates), brought in by each partner and changes accordingly.

And so you discover that you are no longer satisfied with the things in which you function best together, that it is no longer important to you at all and that you are no longer as good a team as you once were. Common life challenges have changed.

You realize that your partner is not your soul mate

You have nothing to talk about anymore, you have different views, tastes, friends, intellectual interests and you wonder how it didn't bother you before. You were in love, you had a lot going on, and somehow you weathered all the storms together. And over time it turned out that you have almost nothing in common.

Spend all day at work! Photo: Alen Rojnic / Unsplash

Fall in love with someone else

And it happens more often than you think - you meet someone and feel that you are alive again and that you are ready to risk everything to be with that person. It is clear to you that you may not stay with this new person, but with him you have discovered that you are still capable of taking off, of intense exchanges, of excitement, and that you need this for life, because in the relationship you are in, you feel that slowly , you are dying.

You are dedicated to your career

You have taken your relationship for granted and are investing all your energy in professional development. You are constantly at some seminars and conferences, you have too many obligations and responsibilities, and when you have the opportunity to rest, you just want to sleep.

A partner can live in the same way, but the fact is that you are drifting further apart and the relationship has become a limiting factor, rather than a support and support. Love is no longer your first priority.

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