
The 6 most common traits of toxic partners

Photo: envato

When we are in love and love someone very much, it can happen all too quickly that we become blinded and do not even notice their toxic qualities. Therefore, it is important to be aware of which virtues are absolutely necessary for a healthy relationship and which characteristics we do not want in a partner: this is the only way we can prevent ourselves from ending up in an unhealthy relationship. We have therefore prepared for you the 6 most common characteristics of toxic partners.

1. He envies you and is not happy about your successes

How nice it is when we finally succeed overcome the challenge, for which we have been preparing for a long time or we experience success in a personal or career field. This joy is even more beautiful to share with those closest to us - and of course our partner is also included among them. When we are in a healthy relationship, our chosen one will be our happiness pleased and us congratulated, and we will give him the same reaction ourselves. In the case of a toxic relationship, the situation is slightly different: the partner will use his words to achieve that our success will happen to us unimportant, and we will also get the feeling that our victory was perceived as own defeat.
Then it is necessary to be with a partner let's talk and also consider whether you are really with such a person we want to stay. These types of reactions usually originate from unresolved traumas and poor self-esteem, but our partner must make the decision yourself, to improve his self-confidence.

In a healthy relationship, the two supehs cheer each other up Photo: Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

2. He constantly criticizes you

That in a healthy relationship it is important to be with each other sincere and that in addition to praise, we also express disagreement. However, it is something completely different if your partner constantly criticizes and gives you the feeling that nothing don't do it right or yes for him you are not good enough. It can worry you even more if you get the feeling that your partner is in this way of communication enjoys it and he feels better when he notices that you have started doubt yourself.
You should be aware that this is by no means behavior that you would like earned, and even less received from the person who is supposed to love you the most.

3. The blame is always on you

Observe how your partner behaves when they meet misunderstanding. Or make it clear to you that you are for him it's your fault and that he himself did not do right nothing wrong? This is definitely a bad sign that can show you that you have found yourself with a toxic person and that you will be with such a person methods of communication it was difficult to find a healthy relationship.
It is important to be with your partner together make an effort, to focus on after the fight finding a solution and not determining who bears the bulk of the blame. They can only "win". together namely by giving his improve the relationship– but by no means does it count as success an admission of complete guilt one of you.

Your victory should be that you found a common solution Photo: Katerina Holmes / Pexels

4. He never considers your opinion

It is completely normal to be with a partner they cannot agree about just about every thing. However, then it is important to each other they listen and that each of you is ready to take into account even a point of view that is not the closest to him. It's a very bad sign if you get the feeling that your partner is regardless of your opinion and to always make sure they are his wishes those who will be at the end came into effect. Remember: a healthy relationship consists of compromises and no constant subjugation one of you.

5. His needs always come first

Compromises they are also necessary in decisions about how they will be spent the days, how you will organize performing household chores, where they will go between holidays… In these cases, it is imperative that each other take into account and that they are ready for each other to adjust.
If you feel that you are always the one who makes your intentions and plans submit to your partner's, this could be a sign that you have found yourself with a toxic person. They are partners in a healthy relationship equivalent and the same goes for theirs needs.

In a healthy relationship, both will tackle the tasks Photo: Yan Krukov / Pexels

6. He presents you with a false image of himself

The easiest way to identify a toxic person is when they are with you at the beginning of the relationship presented a picture, which is completely true differs. Maybe your partner impressed you by showing off on your first dates romance and tenderness, but now you hardly receive anything from him nice word. You may have gotten the impression that it was his career completely different from the job he really does, and maybe he lied to you about it completely banal things.
These are all signs that your partner might he is not human, with whom you would like to spend the rest of your life. It's the most important thing in a relationship confidence and they will be through it lies only hard won.

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