
6 most emotionally unstable astrological signs

Not everyone is born with the Dalai Lama's patience.

Stress and the pace of life create mental time bombs in people waiting to explode. Not in all, but in some.

When you are emotionally unstable, you oscillate between fear, irritability and apathy, feelings of inner emptiness, fits of wild rage expressed either as verbal violence, physical violence or both, and paranoid thinking and detachment from reality.

According to astrologers, who in the zodiac is most prone to this?


When we hear the word bull, we usually imagine a very strong personality, but this does not mean that the person is stable in all life situations. They are stubborn and sensitive, have very short triggers and can be very irritable if offended. They get upset quickly and will infect others with their anger and revenge.


The irony is that scales represent balance. One would think that this would make them perfectly balanced people. Well, you couldn't be more wrong. Libras tend to be very polarized, in fact they are rarely practical or balanced. They are intelligent and smart when discussing things they know. However, if they are presented with a topic about which they do not know much, they are not sure about it, they become visibly upset and nervous.


They think they are very spiritual, but when you look behind their armor, you find a scared child who is afraid of life. Cancer is a frightened sign: they crave routine and uniformity, and when suddenly asked to change, they retreat into silence. They ignore their surroundings. You cannot rely on them as they are very unstable.


They are very impulsive, they get upset over every little thing. Put it down to their high intelligence. They may not be able to handle all the knowledge floating around in their brains. Aries is a great sign, but sometimes they are tasteless, unbalanced and extremely unstable.


Geminis are lucky to even get out of bed in the morning, because it doesn't come naturally to them. You could spend all day, every day, in bed. When they come into conflict with others, they withdraw. They are liars and lie without conscience. They are unstable, antisocial.


They spend a little too much time in their own minds, and when presented with an idea that happens in the real world, not in their mind, they get scared and have no idea what to do with it. Sagittarius can't handle reality, which means they avoid reality. Their lives are laden with fantasy, which makes them very unstable.

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