
6 signs that your partner is losing interest in you: how to get his attention again

Photo: envato

It is not pleasant for anyone when there is a period of estrangement in a relationship and when it seems that the partner's interest is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning of the relationship. However, sometimes we also encounter such a situation, and instead of closing our eyes, it is necessary to realize how things stand. That is why we have prepared 6 signs that your partner is losing interest and tips on how to prevent it.

1. Your partner's plans don't include you

Do you notice that your partner has started? plan yourself, how to survive the evening, where would you go to vacation... ? Of course, there is nothing wrong with each of you spending some time with own company, but it's normal to feel hurt when this happens all the time. So be careful: the first sign that someone is losing interest may be that they gradually begin to lose interest in you move away and tackle interests that they don't include you.
We suggest that in this case the plan organized by you, e.g. invite your partner to a romantic date, which will remind him of your beginnings.

Does your partner only spend his free time with friends? Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

2. The partner does not take the initiative to spend time together

What if you spend time together, but it's always you who organize plans? Here again, it's completely understandable that you're worried that there's a reason for this unwanted reason. In a healthy relationship, it is expected that you are shared moments they want both and are both for them ready to make an effort.
If from the beginning of the relationship you are the one who usually take the initiative, then we suggest that you and your partner in a nice way talk and tell him how nice you are if he invites you to date or organizes evening together. But if that started to happen suddenly, then be careful as it could be a sign lack of interest- you can do the same with your partner talk, but be careful that your tone will not accusatory.

3. Your sexuality is becoming rarer and rarer

A sign of lack of interest can be anything rarer sexuality. Not only that you can connects on a deep level, but the interest in her also shows that between the two of you chemistry it is far from running out.
However, you don't have to immediately think of the worst: for less desire for sex, there is several reasons, among others stress, personal problems etc. That's why we suggest to be with your partner in a gentle way talk, but you can revive the relationship a bit by trying it in bed something new.

Your sexuality can connect you deeply Photo: Vitaliy Izonin / Pexels

4. The partner withdraws emotionally

In addition to sexuality, it is for strong connection between you, it is also necessary that they are intimate on an emotional level. That means they show sincere interest for each other's feelings, interests and knowledge that they are yours deep conversations and to trust each other with those as well the most personal parts of his life.
If you notice that your partner offset, into it by no means don't force it, but make an effort to be in those conversations that you have, a good listener. You can also ask him in a gentle way if there is anything wrong- the reason for emotional withdrawal can also be that the partner has found himself in worse or stressful period.

5. They never fight

We are by no means suggesting that they are in a healthy relationship quarrels part of the daily routine. However, it is quite normal that sometimes it happens of misunderstanding– which, of course, they solve in a nice way.
If you notice that the different opinions or views one of you simply friendly, leave the room or other ignores, this is by no means a good sign - instead, it shows that he is no longer interested in being in a relationship invested energy. At that time, we advise you to show your partner that you are in favor of the relationship willing to make an effort and upon his dissent find a compromise.

Even misunderstandings are part of a relationship Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

6. Your relationship seems stagnant

Each pair has its own, completely unique timeline, which is followed - some are for wedding, joint life and family they decide very quickly, while others do so only after many years. There is nothing wrong with either option, but the problem arises if the partner is planning a joint future avoids or it gives you the feeling that the next step is not something to think about seriously thought.
This may indicate that he does not see you as life partner or yes it common future filled with certain fears. You should definitely tell him how you are you represent the future– that's the only way you'll know if they're yours purposes similar.

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