
6 signs that your relationship is one sided

Photo: envato

When we enter into a partnership, we want a healthy relationship in which both partners invest effort. But unfortunately, this is not always the case and many times we find that we are the only ones fighting for the relationship, while our partner is not willing to work on the relationship. Then, of course, it's time to talk and consider whether it's worth staying in the relationship. We have prepared for you 6 signs that your relationship is one-sided, that is, that you are the only one who is working for it.

1. Joint activities are always organized only by you

Spending time together in a healthy relationship, it represents something that you are both partners want. Not just you, you both have to be ready find the time and organize activities, which will be beneficial to both. If you notice that you are the only one who tries to find activities together, and your partner is completely passive or they even feel like it avoids, this is definitely not a good sign.
If we are in a partnership with someone, there is no reason not to want to spend time with that person as much time as possible. Of course, it can happen that it erupts subvert, but this should not happen everytime, and your partner must be ready to search in such a case an alternative.

Joint activities must be a priority for both Photo: Kampus Production / Pexels

2. You constantly question your partner's feelings

One of the main things that separates healthy relationships from unhealthy ones is the possibility of Fr emotions talk sincerely and without shame. If the constant you ask, are you for a partner good enough, or are his emotions are genuine, or has a purpose with you to stay in the future… this is by no means a good sign and may indicate that your relationship is one way.
However, such thoughts can also mean something else: they can point to yours uncertainty, which stems from bad experiences in the past or simply to your partner expressing emotions it's not going well. Therefore, it is necessary to have doubts let's talk.

3. You complain to your friends all the time about your partner

Complaining it's completely normal, so don't worry if it happens occasionally complain to your friends about misunderstandings you had with your partner. But what if your dissatisfaction in the relationship is dark most conversations? That's when it's time to act.
Remember that in a relationship where both partners put in the effort, there will be no need, to complain to third parties all the time. Instead, they will solve problems alone and se worked together, that it will be easier for you.

If you're constantly complaining about your partner, it's definitely not a good sign Photo: Liza Summer / Pexels

4. You are constantly apologizing

The ability to excuse me, when you do something wrong, is very important in relationships. But be careful: it's never a good sign to apologize constant and you do it with the intention of avoid an argument and not because you genuinely feel your partner is an excuse deserves.
Remember: they are your emotions equally important as your partner's and there is no need to bury them in yourself to avoid potential conflicts. For resolving misunderstandings they are in a healthy relationship both partners responsible and not just one person.

5. You are always the one to take the blame

When you and your partner set out to resolve misunderstandings, that should not be the goal find the culprit, but together find out, how we could in the future reacted differently and improved your relationship. If your arguments always end with your partner "winning" and yours guilty pleas, this may indicate a problem.
Even if you were the one who did something to your partner hurt, that doesn't mean you have to to be ashamed and feel like giving your partner something you owe. Instead, he simply excuse me and do plan, how to deal with a similar problem in the future.

In healthy relationships, only one person should bear the blame Photo: Polina Zimmerman / Pexels

6. Your partner always has the last word

One of the most important foundations of a healthy relationship is the ability to find compromises. Yes, it is normal to be with a partner they will not agree about everything, but then it is important to make an effort and search the solution, which will suited both. Of course, this is not always possible, and then it is necessary adjust, but the role of the one who cancels to your wishes, it must not fall solely on you.
Remember, you and your partner make decisions equal and by being constant you adjust, you will not benefit the relationship - instead, you will achieve the exact opposite.

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