
6 signs that your relationship is coming to an end

Photo: imdb

The end of a relationship is considered one of the most difficult experiences in life, which unfortunately the vast majority of people face. It hurts the most if we believed that the relationship would last and did not expect the partner's desire to break up in the least. Therefore, we have prepared for you 6 signs that your relationship is coming to an end or that, if of course both are ready for it, they have to make an extra effort for it.

1. You two don't talk about your feelings

If you want the relationship to last, it is communication is essential. That means to each other they trust, how they are in a certain situation felt, what about you <it disturbs, and also what about you makes you happy. If you notice that you it is no longer clear, what the partners are like feelings and you worry that are losing connection, which was so very strong at the beginning of the relationship, this is by no means a good sign.
Of course, it is not necessary that then over the relationship you give up. It is completely normal for them to perform in a relationship as well worse periods, and then it is important to both make an effort, to bring emotional closeness established again.

It's important to talk about your feelings Photo: Katerina Holmes / Pexels

2. You notice a lack of deeper conversations

In addition to letting each other know how they are doing they feel, others are also important in a healthy relationship deeper conversations. Remember that each of you has own identity, cognitions, fears and views of the world. There is no need for you to engage in such conversations daily, but it's something else entirely if you notice that your communication is depth completely lost.
People change throughout life, and if we don't share new knowledge with our partner, we can quickly find out that we no longer know each other as well as we did in the first years of the relationship.

3. No more gentle touches

In healthy relationships tenderness we don't just express ourselves through sexuality. We also show love with hugs, holding hands, caressing and sweet kisses. Yes, we are human different and some people find touch more important than others, but it's a sign of alarm if you notice a sudden tenderness between you two less or that completely disappeared.

Touches are a wonderful way to express love Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

4. The partner shows no interest in you

When we love someone, we'll be happy to know what's up with them happened during the day, with what worries is facing what he currently fills the mind etc. So pay attention to your partner's behavior, when you explain yours to him everyday events as well as deepest emotions: village listens carefully and in conversation participates or his gaze is directed towards telephone or gives the impression that they are his thoughts drifted away far away?
You must not forget that you are you earn someone who will be willing to give you his on a daily basis time and energy and to you to listen.

5. The partner avoids eye contact

It is not a vain saying that they are eyes mirror of the soul. And that's exactly why it is eye contact extremely important between partners: it builds between them connection, encourages feelings of closeness and clearly shows how they feel. Many times we start to him avoid, when something we hide, or when this connection is more I can not or we don't want to to feel.
That is why it is not a good sign if you notice that your chosen one is looking into your eyes avoids - then it is therefore necessary to start building on communication and resolve causes for such behavior.

It is not for nothing that the eyes are the mirror of the soul / Photo: Pexels

6. Everything feels like hard work

Yes, interpersonal relationships they are not the easiest. A relationship is necessary invest daily, se talk even about those things that are not easy for us to talk about and maintain warmth and love. And yet - if you perceive everything regarding your relationship as hard effort, this indicates that something is wrong. A healthy relationship should never make you feel like you're going to work every day that makes you sad or drags you down.
Therefore, with such feelings, you must first clear up, from where you could came out and whether there is a possibility to make the situation with the partner repairs together.

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