
6 small signs that you are actually compatible (and it's not just your imagination)

In romance movies, a man and a woman finish each other's sentences, or her leg goes up into a cute position on their first kiss, and then they live happily ever after. Is that really all it takes for a happy partnership?

No. Life, like compatibility, is not the perfection you see in movies or read in novels. It's not just that you like similar foods, have common interests, or agree on certain things.

It's a mix of things that come together perfectly, even when you don't realize it. You find pure compatibility in small things, in little things that already work perfectly without even thinking about them.

So what are the signs? How do you know if you and your special someone are compatible?

1. They don't try to change you (and you don't change them)

True compatibility is loving someone and not wanting to change that person. It's respecting and loving all aspects of her personality without trying to mold her into someone else. Maybe they can't cook or they don't like cleaning and they prefer playing games, whatever. But it's those little things that make you love them.

But if you are constantly convincing yourself that they will change and things will get better, think about it, maybe you are not that compatible.

2. Accepting compromises is easy

In healthy relationships, couples know how to make compromises. When you create a life together, you will have to decide on many different things and without compromises it will be very difficult. Knowing when it's time to compromise and distribute things evenly is a clear sign that you're compatible. But if they never meet halfway, that's not a good sign.

3. They know each other's insecurities and overcome them together

Everyone has their own insecurities, worries, fears. And nothing is more devastating than someone who doesn't understand, respect, or help you overcome them. When you're truly compatible with someone, as soon as you confide in them what your insecurities are, the person will do whatever it takes to keep those insecurities from becoming your obstacle.

4. They are team players

The relationship involves two people who communicate, respect each other, and create, because only in this way can they cope with everything that life brings them. Some days will be good, some days will be bad - but true compatibility is knowing how to navigate through those days. Without teamwork, things will slowly become unmanageable. So if they're not team players, they might not be compatible.

5. They know how to argue

All couples fight sometimes. However, the difference is that compatible couples know how to argue, there are right and wrong ways to argue. Healthy ones involve open discussions, compromises, and forward planning. In them, the feelings of both participants are taken into account and changes occur. The bad ones include yelling, swearing, violence, and often nothing changes after them.

6. Don't doubt your love

They love each other. You love him/her and he/she loves you back in a similar way. Even when there are no words, love is there. They are there each for themselves and together. Because of this, your relationship is stable, safe and you feel at home in it. True compatibility is that you love each other without question, every day of the week.

Compatibility is not a picture of perfect romantic love because things are never perfect. Compatibility is knowing and loving the other person so strongly and purely that you dance to the same rhythm with them without even thinking about it.

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