
6 things you and your girlfriend need to do before you head off to college

If you're heading off to college in October, your summer is sure to be full of plans that you plan to fulfill. Without a doubt, one of the plans also includes spending quality free time with your best friend. Student life often tries to tear apart old ties, so before leaving for college, he prefers to renew them well. Read on for 6 things you and your girlfriend should do before you head off to college.

6 things you and your girlfriend need to do before you head off to college:

Have a pajama party.

Before you go off to college, you definitely need to have a big pajama party for all your close friends. They include a beauty makeover, cookie baking, a movie with wine and fun board games. The evening will remain in your fond memory for a long time.

Organize a big slumber party
Have a big pajama party.

Take a photo for Instagram.

You will definitely want to decorate your new dorm room with photos from your life. Before October, you and your best friend make sure to take some great photos together.

Go to your favorite restaurant.

Have a big dinner together at your favorite restaurant. When you're in college, you'll soon start missing home-cooked food, so now's the time to eat it well.

Treat yourself to a sweet treat at your favorite restaurant
Treat yourself to a sweet treat at your favorite restaurant.

Go shopping for furniture and accessories.

You will definitely need a lot of new furniture and various household accessories in your new room. You can go shopping together and have a lot of fun doing it.

Go shopping together for furnishing the new apartment
Go shopping together for furnishing the new apartment.

Go on a trip.

Before saying goodbye, go on a spontaneous trip. You can go somewhere you've both wanted to go for a long time, or you can simply set a destination into the unknown with your eyes closed.

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Go on a trip
Go on a trip.

Go to your high school graduation party.

Together with your classmates, organize a big farewell party that will be the envy of all the writers and set designers of American high school comedies.

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