
6 tips and shortcuts to greater productivity

Productivity is a skill. It is a skill worth its weight in gold, which helps to put 'resources' such as time, money and manpower to work, with the aim of getting the most return on investment. Running a company is not cat's tears. Whether it is a macro company or a multinational. Unfortunately, success never comes knocking on the door by itself, so tricks and an elaborate system are the only invitations to which he will respond.

But it's not that easy to get to the system, especially not if you're on the road alone and without a map. So why wouldn't you? made things easier and copied a few pages from the books of successful managers, which will be of great help when you are looking for ways to increase in productivity.

1. Take a break every 90 minutes

Instead of another cup of coffee, take a short break every 90 minutes. Fresh air does wonders.
Instead of another cup of coffee, take a short break every 90 minutes. Fresh air does wonders.

To achieve maximum productivity, Tony Schwartz (Enery Project) suggests taking a short break every hour and a half. Reason? He has a human body energy cycle, which operates in 90-minute intervals throughout the day. After that time, it's like that drop in concentration a natural phenomenon. Today, it could also be called pulling us to Facebook or Twitter. So the secret to success is to live the life of a sprinter. In practice, this means working at maximum speed for a relatively short time and then taking a short break. During the break fill your lungs with fresh air and not cups of freshly roasted coffee.

2. Do not allow yourself to be distracted while working

Become Teflon to distracting stimuli when you're in the element.
Become Teflon to distracting stimuli when you're in the element.

There is nothing more frustrating than being interrupted by a co-worker or boss when you are in your element. This kind of distraction takes you up to 25 minutes, to return to the old state. That's why Andrew Marsh (manager at Fifth Column Games) invented the desktop system »cone of silence", making it known that you want to be left alone, except in an emergency.

3. Control your energy, not just your time

Do the most important work when you are at your peak with energy. And your productivity will jump as high as Sergey Bubka.
Do the most important work when you are at your peak with energy. And your productivity will jump as high as Sergey Bubka.

Time is money. Hold on. But even more important than time is your energy level. Kathryn Minshew (co-founder of The Muse) advocates doing meaningful work in the times we live in at the peak of energy, so she herself avoids calling and attending meetings during this period. Discover this time and then protect it as holy cow. Take care of it like the apple of your eye, as you will significantly increase productivity. If you don't know when your energy zenith is, do it yourself energy locating, to discover your pattern of lows and highs in energy levels.

4. Don't be a slave to electronic messages

Check your email inbox only at specific times. This will make it easier for you to stay focused on the work you are doing at any given moment.
Check your email inbox only at specific times. This will make it easier for you to stay focused on the work you are doing at any given moment.

Gina Trapani (founder of ThinkUp) read emails only at specific times of the day. Why? Instead of feeling that he has to answer every "email". another second when it appears, it stays focused on the work it is doing and responds to the message at a fixed time. Worth a try? Yes! Turn off all notifications, graphics and other forms that ring the doorbell of your concentration like a postman. Depending on your position, you may find this unacceptable, especially if your boss expects a quick response from you. But you will be surprised, when you realize that others will support you in this if you just explain the background to them. If the water is on fire, there is a telephone. It is important that people know how to get in touch with you if they urgently need you. And believe me, more they will imitate you!

5. Keep emails short and sweet

According to Andrew Torb, the maximum allowed length of an email message in the area of business traffic is 40 z/em (characters per email).
According to Andrew Torb, the maximum allowed length of an email message in the area of business traffic is 40 z/em (characters per email).

Managers don't have time read novels. Even less to write. Andrew Torba (co-founder of Kuhcoon) even goes so far as to suggest that you build 140 Character Twitter 'Dam'. Be clear and communicate concisely. With short and concise messages, you will save time not only for yourself but also for others. If the matter is complex, start a conversation. Pick up the phone and 5-10 minutes compress everything that would border on the tract through the mail.

6. Delegate

Divide the work. Let what you know be done by 100% and not just 85%, as it would be if you carried all the burden yourself.
Divide the work. Let what you know be done by 100% and not just 85%, as it would be if you carried all the burden yourself.

Sometimes just knowing that a mountain of work awaits us kills a large part of the energy, which could be a lot spent more usefully, if the work were distributed among colleagues. This allows you to concentrate on what you really master. Entrepreneur Daniel Tan Kh says it is delegation the most important the fuel of productivity and it does not mean running away from work. It means that you will do what you are doing 100% and that you believe that those who relieved you will do the same.

Read more: 13 beds for sweet relaxation

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