
6 tips on how to choose the right lipstick

Even when you are looking your worst, the right lipstick on your lips can liven up and change the look of your face in an incredible way. But a poorly chosen shade can only make your appearance worse, so follow some tips on how to choose the right lipstick.

These are tips that will help you choose the right lipstick.

Skin color

Choose a lipstick according to your complexion.
Choose a lipstick according to your complexion.

PALE SKIN: shades of lipstick like pink, coral, "nude" and burgundy will suit you.
RUSTY SKIN: almost all shades will suit you, except for browns and purples.
DARK SKIN: apply brown, blue and purple shades on the lips.

Lip shape

Pay attention to the shape of the lips when choosing a lipstick.
Pay attention to the shape of the lips when choosing a lipstick.

UPPER LIP THICKER: choose a light lipstick on the bottom of the lips and a slightly darker shade of the same color on the upper lip.
LOWER LIP THICKER: choose any color that suits your face, just add "nude" lipstick in the middle of the upper lip.
ASYMMETRIC LIPS: use a lip pencil that is similar to the color of the lipstick and make a border around the lips.

Lip size

Adjust your lipstick selection to the size of your lips.
Adjust your lipstick selection to the size of your lips.

THIN LIPS: avoid dark and shimmery lipstick colors as they will make your lips look thinner. Creamy lipsticks are a better choice.
FULL LIPS: avoid lipstick shades that are too shimmery.

Hair colour

Hair color also plays an important role in the choice of lipstick.
Hair color also plays an important role in the choice of lipstick.

DARK HAIR, PALE SKIN: light pink, crimson, plum.
BLOND HAIR, PALE SKIN: pink and crimson.

DARK HAIR, DARK SKIN: beige, ocher, bronze.
BLONDE HAIR, DARK SKIN: caramel, ochre, warm pink.

BROWN HAIR, RUSTY SKIN: beige, pink.

Eye color

"Nude" color will suit gray-eyed people best.
"Nude" color will suit gray-eyed people best.

BROWN EYES: bright red, brown, pink.
BLUE EYES: cherry color, crimson.
GREEN EYES: terracotta, pink.
GRAY EYES: "nude", plum.

Tooth color

If you have a white smile, then you have no problem choosing the right lipstick.
If you have a white smile, then you have no problem choosing the right lipstick.

WHITENING TEETH: you can choose any color you want.
YELLOW TEETH: light and dark red, slightly orange; avoid purple, brown and light shades.

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