If you've ever wished you could read a man's mind, you're not alone. But beware, dear readers, mind reading may not be absolutely necessary! Believe it or not, the key to understanding male cues is hidden right in kisses. Every kiss tells a story. So, let's take a look at six different types of kisses that men give you and what they want to tell you.
What does his kiss mean?! You are the type of kiss that betrays his feelings!
1. A kiss on the forehead: This is perhaps one of the most emotional and sincere kisses. If a man kisses you on the forehead, it means that he respects you, appreciates you and feels protective of you. This is a kiss that speaks of deep connection and suggests a serious and long-term relationship.
2. A quick kiss: This kiss is quick and casual, as if in a hurry. This does not necessarily mean that it is less important. Although it may not indicate deep feelings, it is a sign that a man is comfortable with you and wants to maintain a physical connection, even if he does not have time for long-term romantic moments.
3. Kiss on the hand: If a man kisses your hand, it means that he deeply respects and appreciates you. It is a classic gesture that symbolizes charm and gallantry. A man who kisses your hand wants to show you how much he values and respects you.
5. Kiss on the mouth: A kiss on the mouth is the most universal. It can mean anything from friendly affection to deep love. The context and the way the kiss is carried out will tell more about what the man wants to say with it.
6. Neck Kiss: This kiss is wild, passionate and above all extremely intimate. If a man kisses your neck, it indicates his strong physical desire for you. It's also a very erotic kiss that usually hints at a passionate night ahead.