Instagram is a visual channel where photo and video content comes first. It has more than 800 million users and is one of the most popular mobile platforms in the world.
Instagram affects all areas of our lives. People are very receptive to trends, news and follow the lives of other people we see.
The app does not promote anything other than photos, videos, but it is constantly introducing news, daily stories and lifestyle people associated with different places, travel, food, products.
That's why Instagram has become a kind of place for setting trends and completely changed the way companies adapt their marketing strategy. It's much more efficient to post these days your ad on Instagram, than putting it on a huge billboard. If you know how to use Instagram correctly, it can become a real shortcut to making a profit.
First of all, it is necessary on Instagram have good content and post great photos and videos regularly. It is the hardest of all gain followers who will accompany you. You can "buy" them through various applications, but they will not be your target group, which can do you more harm than good.
If you want to promote your lifestyle and products, it is need to connect with followers, who will follow you with interest. That's why follow the tips below, which will help you gain popularity and followers on Instagram. Do not give up, but persevere.
Present your content in a creative way
It's not enough to post a picture. It is important that your photos are as much as possible creative, witty and interesting. Try to make your content different and something people will want to share. Some downright mediocre photos can using filters, provided by Instagram, turn them into very beautiful photos, almost professional. It is also recommended that you look for interesting locations, as it will picture more attractive. When writing a text, it is important that only it is identified with photo and followers. Followers need to be engaged by commenting under the post, asking questions, or maybe even inviting others to participate by tagging other people under the post, which brings you new followers.
Using the right keywords
Hashtags or clavicles are words or phrases that, in addition to the lojtra character (#), act similarly to keywords in Google. This means that when you search for a specific word, posts that contain that word are displayed. That's why the right keywords help a lot visibility and reaching a wider audience and target audience.
Photo: Owen Young/Unsplash
Publication schedule
Posting should be adhered to daily schedule. Although it will be difficult to keep the rhythm at first, it is very important. Namely, only regularly published content is a criterion for followers. Posting daily at the right time helps people remember you and become "addicted" to your content. The best time to collect likes is between 5pm and 2am. Namely, pictures posted at night will get a lot of likes, as the post will be better exposed.
The quality of the content should not decline
The quality of your content don't let it fall. It is completely normal that you will run out of ideas at some point, so it is better to publish the content when it is of good quality. Don't post poor quality stuff, you'll do yourself more harm than good. You can lose your followers because when you lose yourself, they can go elsewhere.
Photo: Dominik Dancs / Unsplash
Keep the content simple and understandable
It is good that your content holds certain topics (travel, fashion, sports), as this gives a greater chance of gaining a larger number of followers. In this way, each individual will easily understand the content and, based on this, decide more quickly what interests them. Your short presentation on the home page of your profile is also important, as they can already identify with it and start following you.
Quality of video posts
Videos and IGTVs have become extremely popular on Instagram. That's why it's important that it is video well done, graphically processed and that it has good content that gives the follower added value.