
6 Ways Going to the Beach Actually Changes Your Brain

Water in our brain causes this!

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Photo: Unsplash / Chris Osmond

From reducing stress to increasing creativity - discover the incredible brain benefits the beach has to offer. Have you ever noticed that you feel better when you are near a large body of water? It's not just in your head. A calm river, a roaring sea, a gurgling stream or even a water park - all these waters awaken a special emotion in us. And science is here to reveal why.

How does going to the beach actually change your brain?! Maybe you're not an 'outdoors girl', or maybe you are, but research shows that time spent by the water helps restore, rejuvenate and calm our minds. But if you've ever lived near water like I have, you'll probably agree that moving away from it feels stressful. Now let's see how and why the beach benefits our brain. Oziorma how going to the beach actually changes your brain!

1. The beach changes your view of the world

Being in the presence of nature is calming and can remind us that there are things on this planet that are bigger than us, our commutes or traffic jams. Thinking about it can change the way we see the world and help us put things into perspective.

2. The beach lifts your mood

Think of the beach as your daily dose of vitamin D. Studies have shown that the more sunlight we absorb, the better our mood. This means that relaxing in the sun actually improves your mood and takes care of your mental health.

how going to the beach actually changes your brain
Photo: Unsplash / Christopher Campbell

3. The beach reduces depression

Did you know that the sound of waves crashing on the shore can put people in a real meditative state? Science says this state is associated with greater mental clarity and reduced depression. One study even found that just looking at the ocean changes our brain wave frequency and puts us in a mild meditative state.

4. Visiting the beach relieves you

Jumping into the ocean can help, as the water is full of naturally occurring negative ions. Some scientists believe that the positive ions emitted by everyday devices make us angry, irritable and feel overwhelmed. Naturally occurring negative ions in the ocean balance this out. This calming effect means that visiting the beach reduces your stress levels.

Photo: Unsplash / Yoann Boyer

5. The beach increases your creativity

Being in a 'blue space' can stimulate your creativity. Fresh air, the open ocean and no noise or distractions nearby - all this allows your mind to relax and start dreaming. A study even linked the color blue with an increase in creativity. So the next time you're in a creative block, maybe a visit to the beach isn't a bad idea.

6. Visiting the beach allows for a change of environment

Being in the same place every day can be stressful. A change of scenery, especially one so calming, is great for your brain. It allows your mind to recharge and stay alert for the new environment.

Going to the beach actually changes your brain! So if you're feeling miserable, overwhelmed, or just need a creative boost, it might be time to hit the beach. As the old saying goes, "Sea air, sea water, the best medicine for all". And maybe doctors will soon be prescribing beach time as an adjunct to antidepressants. After all, who could resist therapy that involves dolphins and swimwear?

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