
61. Berlinale

In winter, we can also escape to the warm movie halls, which this year is the 61st year offered by the largest film festival in Central Europe. Every year, around 300,000 individuals put an event in their planner, which is shaped not only by the best films, but also by everything that the city of Berlin has to offer: art, glamour, parties and business meetings. ...

Important information
različne lokacije, Berlin, Nemčija
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Pozimi lahko pobegnemo tudi v tople filmske dvorane, ki jih letos že 61. ponuja največji filmski festival v srednji Evropi. V svoj planer si vsako leto okoli 300.000 posameznikov vnese dogodek, ki ga ne oblikujejo le najboljši filmi, ampak tudi vse, kar ponuja mesto Berlin: umetnost, glamur, zabave in poslovna srečanja. Festival bo odprl festivalski direktor ob projekciji zadnje stvaritve bratov Coen, True Grit, zabavo pa bo gostila komičarka Anke Engelke

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