
April 7 - World Health Day will be dedicated to food safety

World Health Day

Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) chooses a theme that it highlights even more on its birthday, World Health Day on April 7. This time, she pushed food safety to the fore, as she wants to remind those responsible and the public of its importance and what we can do ourselves to put food on the table that is safe to eat. That it is a pressing problem is evidenced by the fact that, globally, the entire population of Slovenia dies annually as a result of the consequences of unsafe food.

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April 7 2015, 65. World Health Day, will be about food safety. Namely, food containing bacteria, parasites, viruses and chemical substances can be blamed for more than 200 diseases, everything from diarrhea to cancer. Despite the "refined" care for food safety, food is constantly threatened by new threats (new pathogens, changes in the environment, production and distribution,...), especially since the world has become a global village and contamination and viruses they jump from continent to continent like a joke.

What can we do to make our food even safer? WHO knows the answers.
What can we do to make our food even safer? WHO knows the answers.

All this presents an additional challenge and the need for strengthening food safety systems, and the countries must work together in this, because that is the only way they can intervene in the black statistics. This is where he steps in as a mentor WHO, which wants to improve the security of the food supply that starts at the farm and ends at the plate. In addition to the recommendations, the WHO also offers five everyday tips to those responsible, how to get safer food:

  1. Keep it clean
  2. Separate raw and cooked food
  3. Cook the food thoroughly
  4. Store food at suitable temperatures
  5. Use clean water and raw materials

READ MORE: Spring food habits and diet for better well-being

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