
7 Best iPhone Apps of 2014

The year 2014 will remain well written in the memory of iPhone fans, as Apple pleased them with the iPhone 6 and the operating system iOS 8. But these are not the only things that keep them happy. Credit also goes to many new applications, and some of them have already been caught by our radar over the years. Now we are adding those others who have left their mark.

Apps grew like mushrooms after the rain in 2014, in a land where it never stops raining. Therefore, it is logical that it is difficult to find one's way in this impenetrable crowd and always find the best. But don't worry, we've already done the hard part and pulled out some of the ones that shouldn't be missing from your iPhone. And if you know that they are missing from your friend's iPhone, one of them can also be a Christmas or New Year's gift. Why not, it's 2014 after all.

READ MORE: Facebook Groups now also as a mobile application

1. Acorns


Grain to grain of cake, you could say about the application Acorns, which provides you with long-term financial success. Which consists of careful saving and thoughtful enrichment of money. This sounds complicated if we are financially illiterate. But not with this application, because it does everything for you, you just put a euro here and a euro there. And you're not taking any risks yet, because your portfolio, which is filled with change left over from your daily purchases, is managed by financial experts on the other side of the screen. It is up to you to say how much you will invest and with what level of risk, and everything else will be taken care of by the application, which is free but costs money 80 cents a month, when you start investing.

2. Jelly


Jelly is a product of the co-founder of Twitter Biza Stone, which was created as a result of the premise that Uncle Google does not know enough about certain questions or to answer satisfactorily. Sometimes it is better if you get an answer from someone you know or from someone that at least your friend knows (these are people from your immediate and wider social circle). Ask a question, post a picture or a location and friends (of a friend) will offer you an answer or advice.

3. LinkedIn Job Search

LinkedIn Job Search
LinkedIn Job Search

LinkedIn is a great place for job search, but we are before the appearance of the application Job Search it was difficult to get information on who has an open position over the phone. This dilemma was completely resolved by Job Search, because it is search and notification of vacancies places his primary task. With it, the user can obtain all the necessary information about the position, apply for it and set reminders for when a fresh offer for the job he is interested in appears.

4. Nuzzel


There is no shortage of news apps in the world, but sometimes you want to read things that our friends are reading. That's when he jumps in Nuzzel, which collects in one location all the news that is popular or circulating on our social networks (Twitter, Facebook), because if we do it on our own, it is not only time-consuming, but it can also quickly get away from us. Admittedly, the app is quite selective, but it's the best detective for discovering what's relevant to people we know.

5. Overcast: Podcast Player


S podcast technology digital audio or video files automatically arrive on our computer as soon as they are published. And these "visitors" can be really many if we want to be up to date with everything. Overcast: Podcast Player is therefore an excellent tool that allows us to manage this flow of information in a simple yet elegant way and not to flood it. It has everything that other similar apps have, but stands out with "sandbags", i.e. two functions "Smart Speed", which cuts out parts between shots, such as silence and darkness (thus getting rid of "dead" time between movies/series), and "Voice Boost", which equalizes the volume of the recording and makes sure that you don't have to make it louder when someone is whispering, as it automatically boosts the quieter parts of the audio spectrum.

6. Secret


If you want to betray or find out the darkest secrets, then this app is perfect for you. The thing about secrets is that sometimes they eat away at us because we can't share them. And we feel like when we have a strong urge to pee. If you recognized yourself in this, then this is it Secret as ordered, because it can you trust a secret, but be careful, anonymous. However, (in addition to the content) offer enough hints, so others can connect things. Namely, you give away not only a secret, but also whether you are close to the one who reads this and whether he knows you. Since the application provides answers, it can happen that the secret will come out and get the owner with a first and last name.

7. Swipe


With the advent of the operating system iOS 8 users got freedom of choice keyboard type. Although the offer in this segment is wide, only one keyboard is truly fantastic. This is the keyboard Swype (now also in Slovenian), which provides the (fastest) and easiest way to enter text in any program. It's a simple concept where with your fingers we slide continuously and we no longer type on the screen keys, while the phone automatically recognizes the words we type. Therefore, you can write at really high speed, with more than 40 words per minute.

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