
7 extreme sports you've never heard of

Ever since ESPN, America's 24-hour sports cable network, began broadcasting footage from the X-Games to the wider world in the mid-1990s, the concept of extreme sports has become a very sticky subject. Some sports, which were extreme at the time, are today "just" sports disciplines, e.g. surfing and skiing, however, there are still quite a few that have not (yet) broken into the mainstream. Let's look at some of them.

The category of extreme sports includes sports that are a mixture of danger, acrobatics, speed and adrenaline. Some, however, also include all professional athletes who come out of injury as extreme athletes. What is an extreme sport is therefore very subjective assessment. For some they are fools, for others heroes.

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Let's look at some of the sports you will rarely found on a TV program and which you probably don't know, but thanks to YouTube and similar channels, they are increasingly compensating for the lack of TV coverage there and presenting themselves as such a wider audience and of course sponsors. Red Bull, are you watching?

Air surfing

Don't forget to lube your board so it doesn't squeak.
Don't forget to lube your board so it doesn't squeak.

Sky surfing is not something new, it exists since the eighties, and was also part of the X-Games a decade later. Because if we can surf on the sea, on the snow, on the sand and on the road, why can't we surf in the air? It definitely is the most daring form of surfing. You won't run the risk of a shark attack, but you might get hit by a plane or your parachute won't open.

Wheelchair rugby

Even disabled athletes are not immune to extreme sports disciplines.
Even disabled athletes are not immune to extreme sports disciplines.

It's rugby a brutal sport therefore, injuries are an integral part of this game. These injuries many times they end careers, some are even so severe that the athlete is confined to a wheelchair. But thanks Murderball, which today is called wheelchair rugby, the sports story for them does not necessarily end here. Once a rugby player, always a rugby player. Because wheelchair basketball is simply not enough rough.

Jai Alai

Te Spanish, actually Basque sports disciplines (don't the Basques have their own?), they say the fastest sport in the world. And even the most dangerous could say. Squash can hide from him. The fastest measured flight of the ball was 302 km/h, which is much faster than a tennis ball flying towards the tennis wall. It's playing singly or in pairs and the individual tries to send the ball into the marked wall with a special basket with as much force as possible, which must then be deflected by the opponent into the prescribed area, but only after it touches the ground or bounces off the side wall.


Chess players are usually not the best boxers and according to stereotypes it would be easy to say that the opposite is true, that boxers are lousy chess players. However, they are both royal disciplines and if you think about it, both are based on strategies, on prediction and on the search for the opponent's weak points. In the video, see how this sports discipline exists since 2003 and which is a real hit in Russia, works in practice, and yes, here you can kill your opponent with by knockout, as Zavec, or s checkmate like Kasparov. A technical victory is also not out of the question. It's playing speed chess, because even boxing rounds are short.

Extreme ironing

Looks comfortable.
Looks comfortable.

This extreme sport he claims only one thing, to be thrown into this category- ironing in the most extreme situations. On the roof of a car, while jumping from a plane, while surfing, etc. Probably, the wife would still prefer a husband who does not iron, than a husband who irons, but risks his life in doing so.

Competition on the ice with canoes

Here it is also shown that with boats it is not all about pushing hands.
Here it is also shown that with boats it is not all about pushing hands.

It is the cradle of this sport Canada, and dates back to a time when people had to cross as quickly as possible in canoes the river St. Lawrence. It is a combination of rowing and pushing as seen at the beginning at the bobsleigh, before the contestants hide in the shell. Crampons on our feet, oars in our hands and let's go.


Some childhood hobbies we humans never outgrow. He is living proof skate. Which means we're probably pretty good with it. Maybe not here, but across the pond it parries the skate (x) condition, a stick sport that has handles at the top and legs at the bottom and the spring that catapults us into the air. If it was created as a children's toy, it quickly grew into a sports accessory for making crazy mischief. Yes, pogomania still exists.

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