
7 favors your best friend does without comment

There is probably no person in the world you rely on more than your best friend. You know that she will support you in your decisions, and if necessary, she will stand by your side and save you from possible inconveniences due to your occasional slip-ups. Here you can read 7 favors that your best friend does without comment.

These are 7 favors a best friend does without comment. You agree?

After lunch, make sure you don't have food between your teeth or smeared lipstick

After lunch, your best friend makes sure you don't have food behind your teeth or smeared lipstick. She does this without having to ask her to. 

Take care of your appearance
Take care of your appearance

He hides the note on his shirt

If you see a label from your T-shirt (a label with the brand and size of the garment), your friend will immediately hide it. 

He massages you

A best friend can quickly see when you are stressed and need a few moments of relaxation. Then he offers you tea and massages you. 

He cares about your well-being
He cares about your well-being

She lets you have packages come to her for you

When you are abroad for a long time, it goes without saying that you can order new things (clothes, books, electronics, cosmetics, etc.) to your friend's address. 

You are always welcome at her place

If you're bored or if you're having a hard time - it doesn't matter what the reason is - you're always welcome at your best friend's place. Even if she doesn't have time for you, you know that you can come to her and at least take some comfort in her presence. 

You can always come sleep over at her place
You can always come sleep over at her place

It has your favorite sweets in stock

A best friend often acts like a grandmother. When you plan to visit, if you can, make sure he has your favorite cookies in stock. 

Lend you some clothes

Although she may be very attached to some of her clothes, she lends them to you without comment. 

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