
7 graphs about the coronavirus that you must see to better understand the situation

A woman with a mask

The following graphs combine the statistical data collected so far on the course of the Covid-19 coronavirus and help to understand its characteristics.

When it all started in the Chinese city of Wuhan last December, no one expected that the matter would reach such global proportions. At least we hoped that wouldn't happen. The coronavirus turned out to be much more "stubborn" than we initially thought, and the fact that the measures were not implemented quickly enough or were at first too slow gave the icing on the cake.

At the time of writing this article, they are officially confirmed around the world 148,654 cases of infection, and there are fatalities 5.547 (source: worldometers.info). Since we don't know much about the virus, it's important that we do constantly aware of the news and to understand statistics. They are the only ones we can rely on at the moment. The following statistics are not intended to spread panic. We just want people to have this information better understood and so accepted the situation more easily, in which not only Slovenia found itself, but the whole world.

A sharp increase in the number of infected

The graph shows the increase in infected people around the world
The graph shows the increase in the number of infected people worldwide.

China is still among the countries as the epicenter of the new virus with the most infected. It mainly contributed to this slow implementation of containment measures. That's why it's on the chart a clearly visible sudden increase in the number of infections in just a few days. Fortunately, though encouraging news coming from China, which show that the number of newly infected people is constantly decreasing, the number of those cured is increasing. Of course, this is due to strict measures, which were also necessary in all respects. Unfortunately, the new focus has moved to our western neighbors, the Italians.

Let's know all the symptoms

Nasal discharge is very rarely a symptom
A runny nose is very rarely a symptom.

Anyone who regularly follows us or other media surely knows what are the main symptoms of infection with the new coronavirus. The following statistics come from China, where they are based the multitude of infected compiled the percentage probability of symptoms. By far the most characteristic s 87,9 % it is elevated body temperature, and follows her dry cough with 67,7 %. Among other symptoms we find fatigue, formation of mucus in the throat, difficulty breathing, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, headache, chills, weakness or vomiting, stuffy nose and diarrhea.

Mortality is falling in China

With better knowledge of the infection and prevention, the number of deaths also fell
With better knowledge of the infection and prevention, the number of deaths also fell.

It is clearly visible on the graph mortality in percent at the beginning of the infections, which, however, declined sharply by the end of February. It definitely is encouraging news. It helped with that better understanding of the disease and its course, so mutual awareness is crucial. Based on their experience, doctors were better able to help the sick. As the situation is calming down for them, they are have already sent some of their own experts to Italy, where they will be with their help neighbors with invaluable knowledge.

The elderly and those with chronic diseases are the most affected

It is true that Covid-19 affects the elderly the most, but almost no age group is exempt
It is true that Covid-19 affects the elderly the most, but almost no age group is exempt.

If Spanish flu after the end of the First World War decimated especially the young (mainly soldiers who had a very weakened immune system due to the harsh conditions on the battlefields), the new coronavirus is statistically most unfavorable for the elderly and chronically ill. However, this does not mean that it is a disease of the elderly. The severe form can affect people of all ages, but fortunately (at least for now) children under 10 are exempt.

Covid-19 is worse than the seasonal flu

Covid-19 is not comparable to the flu
Covid-19 is not comparable to the flu.

The currently collected data (this is subject to change) suggests that it is mortality in seasonal flu is much lower as with infection with the new coronavirus. If it's the flu about 0.2 %, is with Covid-19 slightly over 2 %. A high increase is seen in humans, older than 60 years, in which it is mortality 6%. Influenza is fatal for the elderly around 1.4 % sufferers.

The new coronavirus is also more contagious than the flu virus

On average, a person infected with the coronavirus infects more additional people than with the flu
On average, people infected with the coronavirus infect more people than with the flu.

If we compare the number of confirmed infected and the number of persons infected by this person, we can conclude that the new coronavirus spreads more than the flu virus. On average, an infected person is said to be infected 2 to 3 additional people. Mathematically speaking, this is not the most favorable situation, because according to this system, infections increase by leaps and bounds. The picture shows that measles is still one of the most contagious diseases, and luckily we have a vaccine for it, while we are still waiting for one against Covid-19.

Why strict adherence to quarantine is so recommended

If new cases are kept low, deaths are significantly reduced
If new cases are kept low, deaths are significantly reduced.

During this time, the most vulnerable are health workers, who must watch over all the infected. In the case of a large number of patients with a more severe course, it should also be taken into account that there may soon be a shortage of devices to help breathing (respirators). Home quarantine and social distancing will, as the curve above shows, allow it to fewer new cases and doctors will be able to take care of any more seriously ill patients in time. If the number of patients becomes too great, for them will not be 100% taken care of, which of course presents a big problem. According to the graph, it is clear that because of this the crisis will last a little longer, but it will taking into account strict measures, the number of deaths is incomparably lower.

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