
7 Japanese Habits for a Happy and Healthy Life: Discover the Secrets of Longevity

Photo: envato

Japan has long been known for its exceptional longevity and high quality of life. With an average life expectancy of more than 84 years, Japan tops the world's longevity rankings. This achievement is the result of a combination of several key factors that together create the perfect environment for health and well-being. The Japanese are masters at creating a balanced lifestyle that includes physical activity, healthy eating, strong social bonds and mental balance. One of the most famous concepts is ikigai - a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of finding meaning and joy in everyday life.

Japanese culture is full of secrets that contribute to the happiness and longevity of its inhabitants. While the West often focuses on material goods and a fast pace of life, the Japanese live by principles that enable them to live long and fulfilling lives. What are these habits and how can we incorporate them into our daily lives? In this article, we present seven key Japanese habits that will help you improve your health and happiness.

Photo: envato

Ikigai – the meaning of life

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means "reason for being". It means finding meaning and joy in everyday activities. Finding your ikigai can help you find inner happiness and contentment, which has a positive effect on your mental and physical health.

Hara Hachi Bu - moderation in eating

The Japanese believe in the principle "hara hachi bu", which means eating to 80% satiety. This habit not only helps maintain a healthy weight, but also reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Regular physical activity

Japanese culture encourages regular physical activity, from walking to exercise, as is Radio Taiso – morning exercise with the radio. Regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health, increases muscle strength and flexibility, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.​​

Photo: envato

Strong social ties

Social cohesion and strong community ties play a key role in Japanese culture. Regular socializing and community support they have a positive effect on mental and physical health, reduce the feeling of loneliness and depression.

Health care and prevention

Japan has an efficient healthcare system that focuses on prevention. Regular health checkups and early disease detection are key to a long and healthy life. The availability of health services for all residents additionally contributes to general well-being and health.

Photo: envato

A balanced diet

A traditional Japanese diet includes lots of fish, vegetables, soy products and rice. This diet is rich in nutrients and low in saturated fat, which helps maintain heart health and reduce the risk of cancer.

Drinking green tea

Green tea, especially matcha, is rich in antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Regular consumption of green tea is associated with a reduced risk of various chronic diseases and improved mental clarity.

Photo: envato

These habits are not only easy to incorporate into your daily life, but also have many health and wellness benefits. Imitate Japanese habits and discover the secrets of longevity and happiness.

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