
7 key traits that identify a psychopath

Psychopaths are almost impossible to spot. They are often incredibly charismatic, as they are true masters of manipulation. They seem friendly, likable and trustworthy. But in reality, they enjoy humiliating other people, because they do not feel empathy and believe that the world revolves only around them. To protect yourself from lies, abuse, and manipulation, pay attention to these 7 key traits that will help you identify a psychopath.

That is 7 key features, by which you can recognize a psychopath.

They don't feel empathy.

Psychopaths do not feel empathy for others. They do not understand other people's emotions and do not care if they are upset. You can spot a psychopath by paying attention to their reactions to the pain or misfortune of others.

They enjoy making people feel guilty.

Psychopaths will never admit they are wrong. They are experts in the use of manipulation and are excellent at twisting the words of others and making sure that the blame is placed on someone else's shoulders. They enjoy making others feel guilty for things they actually did themselves.

They will always shift the blame to someone else.
They will always shift the blame to someone else.

They only care about themselves.

A psychopath will not think twice about stepping on someone else to get ahead. He is not interested in the health and well-being of others. In any situation, he will choose what is good for him, even if others suffer for it.

They lie.

Psychopaths are not to be trusted. They lie and manipulate to get exactly what they want or to make people believe they are someone else. With every lie that convinces others, they feel pride.

They are no strangers to lies.
They are no strangers to lies.

They think they are better than everyone else.

Psychopaths think they are better than others, so they never feel guilty. They believe they are smarter, more capable, more attractive, more important...

They are charismatic.

Psychopaths are often hard to spot, as they can be incredibly charismatic. With their lies, manipulation and showmanship, they find a way to get along with almost everyone around them. Many times they seem extremely friendly and approachable until their true colors show.

Psychopaths can be really charismatic.
Psychopaths can be really charismatic.

They do not take responsibility for their actions.

Psychopaths do not want to take responsibility for their actions. Whether they make a mistake at work, keep someone waiting, or instigate a fight, they'll always claim it's not their fault and find another scapegoat pretty quickly.

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