
'7 months in Asia': The stunning holiday photos that 'broke' the internet

Photography project '7 months in Asia'

Murad Osman's project, named #followmeto, has clearly inspired couples who are discovering the beauty of the world this summer. The photographer, who takes his wife by the hand in new adventures in beautiful photos, was inspired by a Canadian couple who visited Asia this year with an interesting shot. Check out the stunning photos of '7 months in Asia', which take you through the beauty of mystical lands...

For Christian LeBlanc is the seven wonderful months he spent with his girlfriend in to Asia. She led him by the hand through the mystical lands that can be found in this part of the world, and he captured the fairytale journey from behind with a sense of photography and framing. In documenting the trip, the young Canadian was inspired by the popular shot for which he is best known Murad Osman and his project #followmeto, with his own photographs, where a blonde with a beautiful figure and a varied range of swimwear leads the photographer on new adventures, they impressed not only us but also the rest of the internet audience.

READ MORE: Following the world famous couple

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