
7 phrases that are more important in a relationship than "I love you"

Photo: envato

Oh, how nice to hear that someone loves us. "I love you" is a phrase that everyone loves to hear from their partner, but there are words that sometimes calm us down and make us happy. We have prepared for you 7 phrases that many people in a relationship want to hear even more than "I love you".

1. “I forgive you.”

One of the most important things we learn in a mature and serious relationship is forgiveness. We all work mistakes, it is only important that we are able to follow them to excuse and with partners discuss how you could have reacted differently in the situation. We also learn understanding and looks at his own actions through other eyes: sometimes we hurt our partner without even realizing it realized.
The best thing is to hear that our partner after a mistake I'm sorry and that it is ready for us to help, that we will do better the next time sympathetically and thoughtfully.

We all make mistakes and that's when forgiveness is most important Photo: Duané Viljoen / Pexels

2. “I'll do it for you.”

Everyone likes to hear nice words, but many people feel real love only through it actions. The best thing is when our partner tells us that we will relieves stress and worries with the fact that it will instead of us started some errand to help us with something helped or that it will be for us did something nice on those days when we don't feel our best.

3. “I respect you.”

Respect is something that is very important in any relationship. If we feel sincere respect for our fellow man, we will not do what we would do in the eyes of our acquaintances disgraced. We will also approach conflicts with him respectful and understanding way and from his opinions, even if it doesn't match ours, no made fun of.
At decision-making but we will also consider his wishes.

It's so nice to know that someone appreciates and respects us Photo: Lauren Rader / Pexels

4. “I trust you.”

Also confidence ranks very high in relational values. If it is not there, even a healthy relationship can begin to fall apart: one of the partners is constantly anxious, as he is concerned about what the other is doing and what the other is facing pain, because it seems to him that the one he likes the most does not believes in him.
Therefore, it is very important to let your partner know that you do not expect the worst from him and that he you trust.

5. “I support you.”

Everyone has their own a dream and goals, which he wants to realize in the course of his life, and he is doing so partner support very important. Even those who outwardly appear to be the most self-confident sometimes fail in their abilities doubt and then it is the most beautiful to hear that the partner in us he believes and us supports.

It is important that your partner supports you in your goals Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

6. “I will protect you.”

A sense of security is something that fills us with peace, courage and motivation for future ventures. It is important that you and your partner let each other know that you have each other shields from all those who wish you ill and that you will always find each other refuge before such a chaotic reality.

7. “I look forward to a future with you.”

We also get a sense of security when a loved one lets us know that he sees himself by our side of the future and to join the relationship seriously. Yes with us enjoys it and that she is ready for love make an effort even when it won't be the easiest.
It's also the most beautiful thing together to plan, how they will spend the coming years, si created a family and arranged the common house.

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