
7 secrets for sweet sleep on hot summer nights - how to naturally cool down for better sleep

How to beat the heat and immerse yourself in a dream that is not interrupted by sweat

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Photo: envato elements

Ah, summer! Long days full of sun, evenings spent outdoors and light clothes that we wear like a second skin. All this is the magic of summer that we all love. But when we go to bed at night, the battle begins. A battle with heat that seems to be here to stay. And no, sleeping without clothes in front of a fan is not the best solution. Here are seven tips to help you beat the heat and drift off into a sweat-free dream. So - how do we cool down naturally for better sleep?!

Summer is like that seductive lover we all adore: hot, exciting and full of promises of unforgettable moments. But when the sun goes down and the stars shine, our battle begins. A battle with heat that seems to be here to stay. The heat creeps into our beds, like an unwelcome guest that refuses to leave. So how do you beat that heat and sink into a dream that isn't interrupted by sweat? Here are seven tips to help you beat the heat and drift off into a sweat-free dream. So – how do we cool down naturally for better sleep?!

Real bedding and pajamas

Although sleeping without clothes or blankets may seem like the best solution for hot nights, it's not the best idea. You can quickly catch a cold with an open window. Instead, choose pajamas made from natural materials such as linen, silk or merino wool. These materials are breathable and absorbent, which is key if you sweat a lot at night. The same goes for bedding. Choose linen bedding and a light blanket, as linen is an extremely breathable material.

Photo: envato elements

A dark room

In summer, the days are longer, which means that it is also bright in the evening and early morning. Although this can be pleasant, the light can disrupt your circadian rhythm and suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep. That is why it is good to darken the room before going to bed.

A lukewarm shower

The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 16 and 20 degrees. When temperatures are higher at night, it is more difficult to fall asleep. A lukewarm shower before bed can help lower your body temperature and help you fall asleep.

Timely cooling of the bedroom

In order to have a cool bedroom, it is necessary cool in time. You can do this by opening all windows in the morning and evening and keeping them closed during the day. Even darkening the room during the day can help keep it cool. So – how do we cool down naturally for better sleep?!

Photo: envato elements


In the summer, it is important to stay well hydrated as you sweat a lot. Drink lots of water, but less in the evening so you don't have to get up and go to the bathroom at night. Alcohol and sweet drinks they can disrupt sleep, so avoid them.

A proper dinner

For dinner, choose light food that the body can easily digest. Avoid fatty and salty foods, which can cause insomnia. Instead, choose protein-rich foods that contain the sleep-promoting amino acid tryptophan. A summer salad with light turkey meat or dairy products such as fruit curd spread are excellent choices.

No sports before bed

Although sport promotes deep sleep, it is important that at least two hours pass between the end of exercise and sleep. This way, your body will have time to calm down and you won't be full of energy when you go to bed.

Photo: envato elements

Summer it can be a wonderful time full of sun and fun, but the heat can disturb our sleep. With these tips, you can improve the quality of your sleep and wake up in the morning rested and ready for a new day. Remember that despite the heat, summer is a wonderful time to take advantage of. As the saying goes: "He who does not laze in the summer, does not sleep in the winter."

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