
7 Signs A Man's Body Language Reveals He Loves You

Find out if he loves you without words!

govorica telesa
Photo: envato elements

Are you wondering if your partner is truly committed to you but hasn't yet uttered those magic words? Pay close attention to his body language - it will tell you everything you need to know. These are 7 signs a man uses his body language to reveal that he loves you.

You can tell if your partner really has deep feelings for you by their body language. Men often unconsciously reveal their true feelings through movements and gestures that are full of love. Here are seven ways a man can show he loves you with his body. So – 7 signs how men with body language reveals that he loves you!

1. His fingers are pointing towards you

When a man is in love, he will automatically position himself with his toes pointing towards you, whether you are sitting in a cafe, restaurant or at home. Fingers pointing towards you are a sign of interest, and experts say it indicates deeper feelings.

2. Mimics your body language

When a man feels intimacy, he is likely to imitate your movements. It's not something he thinks about, it just happens. When you walk side by side, your steps will be in sync, you'll be yawning together or reaching for a cup of coffee at the same time. At some point you will realize that they are on the same wavelength.

Photo: envato elements

3. He developed rituals that are only yours

Maybe he always kisses you three times goodbye, pats you on the back at the end of a hug, or finds a special way to mark when you both say it at the same time. These little, crazy little things that only the two of you understand are proof that he cares more than he'd like to admit.

4. He stares into your eyes for a long time

If you can look into your partner's eyes for a long, really long time and it suits you, it means that a deeper connection has developed between you. Staring at each other can be uncomfortable, but when you enjoy it, it means that you have developed a special bond.

5. He doesn't mind sharing personal space with you

People who are not in love want to have a certain amount of personal space. But when your partner loves you, he will sit next to you on the couch or want to sit on the same side of the table in a restaurant without a second thought. Why? Because he doesn't need space, he wants to be close to you because he loves you.

Photo: envato elements

6. He laughs often

When a man loves, he laughs more often in the company of his partner. If you notice that your partner is smiling more and longer than usual or for no particular reason, it is because they are happy and in love.

7. He touches you every time you meet

If he can't keep his hands off you, he's probably in love. And we're not just talking about sex. If he takes every opportunity to touch you, tickle you, or hold your hand, these are ways he wants to get your attention and show you that he loves you.

Knowing your body language can tell you if your partner likes you before they even tell you. When you notice these signs, you can stop worrying about overthinking, because it's only a matter of days before you hear "I love you".

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