After breaking up with someone you love, it's inevitable that you'll wonder if the relationship is really over, or if there's a chance they haven't said their last words yet.
How do you know if your breakup is "forever"? You don't know. At this stage, you can bring yourself to the brink of a nervous breakdown as you look for hidden good signs that your ex will eventually come back, start spending time with you, and ask you to get back together. When you talk to him, you're probably not sure exactly where you are. The things he does and says make you feel more confused than ever. You need 100% confirmation that he has decided to move on without you, because that's the only way to get over him and get your life back on track.
Unfortunately, men are great at shipping mixed signals. Some say it's because men and women deal with breakups differently, even if they end "amicably."
In the process of getting over her ex, a woman will generally allow herself to feel all the painful emotions, talk to her close friends, take time to analyze what happened in the relationship and remember the good times. The process is extremely difficult, but it helps women gain both emotional clarity and closure. Men, on the other hand, are most likely to bury their feelings and apparently "move on". For example, men may make a deliberate effort to start a new relationship right away. This will delay processing the breakup of the previous relationship.
Honestly, even your ex may not know if he is truly ready to move on or not.
According to the the study, conducted by researchers from Binghamton University and University College London, stereotypes about the differences in how men and women get over a relationship are based on some proven truths. The study asked 5,705 participants in 96 countries to rate the emotional and physical pain of a breakup on a scale of 1 (none) to 10 (excruciating pain). They found that women were more negatively affected by break-ups and report on higher levels of both physical and emotional pain
"While breakups affect women the most emotionally and physically, women usually recover better and are stronger emotionally. But men never fully get over it - they just move on." say the study authors.
Photo: Galvão Menacho/Pexels
Our society teaches women that it is good to experience and express feelings of sadness. The woman reportedly cried, shared her pain with friends and even went to therapy to deal with the pain of her broken heart. Men, however, are taught to "stand up" from childhood. A man is expected to be strong and in control even when he is in pain, and to maintain his independence without asking for help. This is the reason why men will take longer to get over a breakup and are also more likely to engage in destructive behavior.
Does all this mean your ex will eventually come back? Is not necessarily.
But if you miss him and want to get back together, here are 7 signs that your ex will eventually come back.
1. She is already in a new relationship (with which she got over a love disappointment)
You found out that your ex is already in another relationship. How is this possible? Could you really move on so quickly? Experts say that post-breakup relationships are a common occurrence. The task of such a situation is to fill the void left after a painful breakup. Many people yearn for the feelings that the relationship brought them (homeliness, intimacy), so they make up for it by jumping into a relationship with another person.
Even your ex can get into this kind of relationship even though he is still in love with you. There are a number of signs that could help you figure out if your ex's new relationship is real or just fake getting over love disappointment. Did he start a new relationship really quickly after the breakup? If you've only been apart for a few weeks and he's already in a new relationship, there's a good chance he's on the mend and still wants to be with you.
2. Date someone who is your complete opposite
Experts say that sometimes people want to chase away the pain of a breakup by finding someone who is the complete opposite of the ex-partner.
If your ex's new lady is nothing like you, but your complete opposite, there is a good chance that your ex is still in love with you, but is trying to use the new girl to get over you.
3. He is super active on social media
Does he still follow you on social media? If your ex combs through your profiles, commenting, sharing and liking things you post, these are signs that he might still be in love with you. If not, I wouldn't follow your social media content. Men do not invest their time and energy in things that do not mean much to them.
Or post excessively lots of fun photos? It seems to him that he has to cover all the "fun" events and explode on his profiles on social networks. Your ex is trying to bombard you with photographic evidence that he has “moved on” and is “over you”, even though his actions clearly indicate otherwise.
However, if your ex is unfollowing you and has blocked you, it means that he is trying to move on and doesn't want you in his life anymore, so he is following the no contact rule.
Photo: Ralph Rabago/Pexels
4. He didn't return your things and didn't come looking for his own
In your relationship, you probably exchanged many gifts and items. Do you still have a lot of your ex-boyfriend's stuff with you? Has he become involved in every aspect of your life? If your ex is still not over you, he will decide not to come looking for his things yet, giving him an excuse to come get them another time. As long as his items are still in your house, that's a strong sign that he is neither he nor you are ready for the end.
But if your ex returned all your things and came to collect his items, this way he tells you that he is serious about moving on. Thus, nothing is left unfinished and he is ready to start a new life.
5. It remains the same
If you pay attention and see that your ex trying new things and having new experiences, you have to admit that he is moving on with his life. Is he learning a new language? Traveling more? Does he go on hiking trips? Going camping? With this, he clearly tells you that he wants to move on. He wants a life that pushes him out of his comfort zone and everyday routine.
It also seems different. Did he get a new haircut? Does he dress differently? He is deliberately building a new life and believe me he is moving on.
6. It does not move forward
Continuation need not always be symbolic. Sometimes people can literally move after a breakup, especially if they shared jobs or friends with their ex-partners. If he moves away, that's a big deal. The intercity distance means that he has no intention of dating you, because he doesn't see you in his future.
7. He still keeps in touch
Are you still you text and call each other, just like in the old days? Does he call to check in and ask how your day was? This is one of the biggest signs that he probably misses you and is still not over you.
However, if he has cut off all contact, he no longer wants you in his life. It's over. If she's avoiding going to places where you might be, even her favorite places, she's trying to make sure there's no reason for her to hook up again.
Now that you know your ex still has feelings for you, it's important to ask yourself: "Do I want him back?" Remember that there is a reason why things didn't work out. Is the reason something you can work on, or do you just need to call it quits? Even if your ex wants you back, now is the crucial time to make the most important decision: whether to get back with him or end the relationship once and for all!