
7 Simple Steps to a Healthy Post-Holiday Detox

Did the tables wobble from the weight of the delicacies, did you eat with your eyes and not your head? Well, then you're probably paying tax now. But nothing a healthy post-holiday detox can't solve! Here are 7 easy steps for a healthy post-holiday detox.

Would you like to lose a few pounds after the holidays? Then try this healthy detox, which consists of 7 simple steps and tips from a renowned nutritionist and author of the book Diet Simple Katherine Tallmadge.

Last updated 2025-02-28 / Affiliate links / Photo source: Amazon Product Advertising API

7 simple tips for a healthy detox

1. "Deactivate" hidden calorie bombs

Do you know that there is a CALORIE BOMB HIDDEN in your apartment? Remove it and remove all greasy and unhealthy food from the fridge, cupboards and drawers.

2. Plan snacks

Don't eat everything you can get your hands on. Include planned snacks in your diet to prevent hunger pangs. Snacks are an excellent opportunity to nourish the body between meals and to make it easier to wait until the next meal. Of course, it is necessary to choose healthy and balanced snacks: fresh and dried fruit, nuts, vegetables, yogurts...

Plan snacks.
Plan snacks.

3. Start your day with physical activity

Before you start checking email, talking on the phone, putting on makeup – go for a walk, ride a stationary bike, do yoga – get some exercise. The body is supposed to use more fat stores when exercising before breakfast. You will feel the positive effects throughout the day, and your mood will also improve.

4. Have BREAKFAST every day

Take time for breakfast and eat it at home, when you are still relaxed and your mind is not yet wandering to work. Eat fruits, proteins and vegetables to give you enough energy to start the day well. Healthy breakfast tip: Oatmeal with fruit and nuts.

5. Avoid late meals

DO NOT eat TOO LATE, this will disrupt the body's natural recovery processes and burden digestion and the elimination of toxins, which will therefore start to stagnate in the body and be stored in the form of fat cells.

Avoid late meals.
Avoid late meals.

6. SLEEP for at least 7 or 8 hours

Research shows that disruption or lack of sleep affects weight problems. Do not eat anything more than two or three hours before going to bed, because it will be much more difficult to sleep with a full stomach. Sleep is necessary for the regeneration of the body's organs and the proper elimination of toxins.

7. Seek support

Spend time with like-minded people who encourage, understand and respect your goals. Find people who will stand by you and give you an encouraging word if you fail.

5 small changes to lose pounds that work in the long run

2. Eat VEGETABLE SOUP before lunch or dinner.
3. Enjoy mostly lean PROTEIN: fish, red meat, fruit, vegetables.
4. Don't forget YOGURT, as it keeps you slim.
5. Take at least 10,000 steps a day.

In all of this, it is very important not to worry about the kilos and to really listen to YOURSELF and your body.

Recipe: A detox soup that can help you lose weight

Detox soup, which has less than 100 calories per serving, is rich taste, but at the same time it is full of vitamins and fiber. Ingredients like sweet potatoes and turnips, will fill you up, onion and garlic they are excellent spices with good properties spinach and kale but there is no need to discuss it separately. Get ready for a pleasant surprise!

Turnips and sweet potatoes will fill you up.
Turnips and sweet potatoes will fill you up.

Ingredients for Detox Soup

  • 1 large onion, peeled and sliced
  • 1 clove of garlic, peeled and chopped
  • 1 medium sweet potato, peeled and sliced
  • 2 cups of vegetable broth
  • 2 large zucchini, peeled and cut into centimeter thick pieces
  • 1 bunch of kale, washed and dried
  • a handful of spinach

Preparation of detox soup

Fry the onion and garlic for about 4 minutes in a pan with some water or vegetable broth. Add turnips and sweet potatoes and fry for another 3 minutes. Add the remaining vegetable stock and let simmer gently for 10 minutes. Add zucchini and kale and cook for 5 minutes. Finally, add the spinach and cook for another minute. Pour the soup into a blender or food processor and process until smooth. Pour the soup back into the pan over low heat and add some fresh chopped parsley for garnish. Have a good run!

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