
7 things that reveal to a woman that she is in bed with a bad lover!


Tastes and sexual imagination is a matter of individual taste, but the listed sexual practices are hated by most women.

What are the things women hate most in bed? Every man should know them! Because if you ignore them, in the eyes of the vast majority of women - bad lover.

Even if a man is really macho, sexy and irresistible, it doesn't help him if he regularly practices things that women simply can't stand in bed.

The list can be long and certainly not the same for all women. Nevertheless, there are some male practices between the sheets that spoil the entire experience of sexuality for the vast majority of women. What is the top five things women just hate in bed?

1. Kiss in doggy position


One of the things that women REALLY hate and consider their #1 mistake during sex is when a man tries to kiss them while in the doggy position. Who could miss kisses that end up in the ear, somewhere on the neck, but when they just hit the face, maybe even push into it with all their force? Men, if you're reading this too, avoid this kind of kissing, say women.

2. The woman is invisible

The second most hated behavior in bed is when a man gives a woman the feeling that she is not there, that is, he does not pay attention to her or her body. When a man immediately goes to the "main action", i.e. without foreplay, without looking sexy, touching the woman, the woman perceives this as a kind of insult. Such men are considered bad lovers, and women are also generally extremely irritating.

For women, foreplay is as important as sex itself, so it is clear that this discourages them to the maximum!

3. He finishes first and doesn't feel what suits you


One of the common mistakes men make in sex (and, of course, a hated male move) is that a man is in too much of a hurry and doesn't pay attention to a woman's needs. So he's only interested in his own pleasure, his own feelings, and he doesn't care a bit about what a woman wants or what she likes. Women find this selfish and childish, so such a partner quickly resents her.

4. Too many adult movies


Some men think that sex in real life should be like what they saw in an adult movie. Of course, this is far from the case! This leads to various inappropriate male gestures, such as changing poses every few seconds, some "dirty" words that the woman never expected, as well as some minor (or major) bizarre proposals. Women who meet such men generally have the same opinion: he thinks she's a porn star... but a very, very bad one!

5. The wrong pace

One of the biggest disappointments for women are men who simply don't understand their cues. In fact, they are unable to keep up with the pace of intercourse, and so they end up speeding things up instead of slowing down. Women claim that the feeling of having to explain to a man at what pace and how he should "operate" in bed is something that makes them lose all desire for sex.

6. He always wants to end up there


Many girls are not "gourmets" and even rarer are those whose fetish is to constantly taste men's semen! This is also why the latter is a matter of mutual agreement and familiarity.

7. Always the same routine


Intercourse with the lights off. Always in bed. They are the routines of extremely bad lovers. And those that kill the sexuality of every couple. If sex is a bad repeat of the previous one, there is something very wrong with your sex life. Imagination is the key element and the difference between good and bad lovers! If you don't remember your previous sexual encounter - or if you remember it too well. Well... you know where we're going!

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