The connection with natural elements is becoming more and more important, both for its positive influence on the mind and for its equally good influence on the spirit and body.
This year, life is directed towards coexistence with nature and oneself. We present the latest trends for a healthy lifestyle.
1. Friluftsliv
One of the stronger trends – friluftsliv means in Norwegian "life in the fresh air". It is a Scandinavian way of life that values the value of time spent outdoors, something Nordics teach children from an early age. That is why even in winter they gather and socialize outside, as the Swedish saying goes: "There is no bad weather, only bad clothes". As is known, living in nature strengthens mental, spiritual and physical health, so don't spend the winter on the sofa under a blanket - if possible, go out into the fresh air.
Photo: Lucas Allman/Pexels
2. Sleep synchronization
We will continue to strive for better sleep for this, diet, activities and habits must be coordinated. The transition from larger dinners to light afternoon meals will be encouraged. We will give preference to the amino acid glycine as an ingredient that helps with sleep, and the use of techniques and aids that facilitate breathing will be encouraged.
3. Hunza diet
Recently, diets have become more health-friendly eating plans than pointless attempts to lose weight. The most talked about diet plan right now is the diet the Hunza people, who lives in the valley of the same name in the Himalayan part of northern Pakistan. Why should you eat like them? Because the vast majority of the population there lives between 120 and 140 years. They die of old age, not disease. They think it is to a large extent a consequence of their diet, which is based on nuts, fresh and dry vegetables, fruit, mint and seeds, which are added to yogurt and kefir. Such a diet is rich in complex carbohydrates and poor in protein.
4. Meditations and mantras
Since we never have too much time, short meditations will come to the fore, which should still be effective. One of them is called 60 seconds mantra in front of the mirror - every morning before looking in the mirror, talk to yourself as the best version of yourself for one minute and talk about how you want to progress and who you really are.
Photo: Andrea / Pexels
5. Grounding
Grounding, or an electrical connection to earth, will gain further momentum. There is more and more research confirming the benefits of grounding, so contact with natural elements. You can go out to the garden or the park, put your hands on the ground, walk barefoot on the ground, grass or sand, sit on the grass, swim in the sea or simply decorate your home with plants or play with pets. All these activities are supposed to improve both the personal microbiome and the microbiome of the house.
6. Special water for well-being
It is known how important proper hydration is for the functioning of the human body, so more and more people are trying to maintain it well hydration throughout the day. Some also mix their own electrolyte drinks. Your own wellness waters sound interesting, and they're also a great way to regulate your sugar levels, suppress food cravings, and detoxify your body.
Photo: Andrea / Pexels
7. Sustainable nutrition
As climate change affects our environment more and more, more and more consumers are trying to help our planet, which includes ecological awareness in nutrition. Research shows that as many as 73 percent of respondents think it is important to buy food that has a low impact on the environment. Meal planning, eating seasonal and local food are ways to contribute to this.