
7 tricks to remember people's names

The names of people we meet are a weak point for most of us. It has probably happened to you that you have met someone with whom you chatted over coffee a few days ago, and when you meet again, you cannot recall their name. Fortunately, there are a number of strategies or memory techniques with which we can remember the names of people we meet anew. A good memory is not a part of the body, but a skill.

You don't remember either the names of people you met anew and forget the name the moment you hear it? With the flood of faces and names we encounter every day, this is not unusual. But as for everything, even for this weakness, the solution "grows" and partly resembles learning foreign words. Use the name as many times as possible during the conversation, search for him associations or rhymes and weave a story around it or place it in context. Intensity and time are the key factors of memory. All this will not be worth a penny if, when the person introduces himself to you, you are not listening carefully.

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How many names you actually need to remember is up to you. But if it's a business Achilles tendon, then we suggest yes hone the method, which is presented in the video.

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