
7 tricks with which you will (seemingly) extend the weekend

Extend your weekend

Every Sunday evening, most of us already start counting down the time until the new weekend. It's right that the weekend lasts so little time, that we always look forward to it that much more, but sometimes a little more than two days would still fit. Unfortunately, we rarely get an extended weekend due to a holiday, but there are ways you can seemingly extend the weekend. Because of this, you will return to the workplace or to the school desks more rested, even though the weekend will still only have 48 hours. Check out which seven tricks you can use to do it.

Do you also wonder every Sunday how the weekend went by so damn fast!? Since we rarely get an extended weekend, even though we would all like it every weekend, we have prepared 7 tricks for you to seemingly extend it. Because of this, your working days will no longer drag on like bowels, because you will be much more rested and you will be able to face new challenges more easily and with more energy.

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1. Wake up at the usual time

The biggest mistake is believing that the weekend is the ideal time to lie in bed endlessly. When you do this, you not only throw your body out of rhythm, but you say goodbye to valuable time that could be used for something better. Go to bed earlier unless you feel like partying. If so, then follow the next tip.

2. Go out on Friday night

When you wave goodbye to work on Friday (or not, because you probably aren't really friends), go to "life". Don't postpone the overnight stay to Saturday night, because by lying down on Saturday morning you will kill two birds with one stone. You will combine sleep after a sleepless night with much-needed rest after a busy week. Why pay the fatigue tax twice when you can only pay it once. Divide the weekend into three parts. Party on Friday, recover on Saturday, and let Sunday be the day you do whatever your heart desires.

3. Plan, plan, plan

We are all prisoners of a routine and a fixed rhythm that we create around work time and even though the weekend seems to be the only time when we are not slaves to the schedule, planning is the key to making the weekend seem longer. If you plan your activities well, even Saturday and Sunday will drag on. What you will do is up to you, but definitely have things (visiting friends, restaurants, cinema,...) planned in advance as much as possible.

4. Do several different things

Don't just land a movie marathon or watch a movie. Don't just read a book. Do both, and in between add a trip, visit a concert, see an exhibition, cook something good, etc. The more different things you do, the more you'll feel like you've crammed as much as possible into 48 hours.

5. Tick off housework as soon as possible

No one is a big fan of housework (at least we don't know them), but cleaning, vacuuming and washing are unfortunately unavoidable. So the sooner you get over it, the better. As we said before, plan. Reserve two hours on Saturday morning and get as much help as possible from family members. When you're done, you'll feel a great sense of relief, because you'll have a "freeze" all weekend.

6. Exercise

Instead of spending Sunday night lamenting the end of the weekend and letting tension start to build up in your shoulders and neck, give your limbs a little exercise with some yoga or stretching to keep your body flexible and your brain rested.

7. Take a bath before bed

End the weekend in style - with a bath. Let the bathroom smell of essential oils, let the bathtub overflow with bubbles, light the candles and be entertained by the play of light and shadows. I couldn't have imagined a better farewell than the weekend. The bath will completely calm you down and lull you into quality sleep.

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