
Lorenz Holder: 7 useful tricks and tips for smartphone photography

Are you interested in how to season or how to bring a little more life to smartphone photography? Then you've come to the right place, because the following tips and tricks from professional photographer Lorenzo Holder will make even the most interesting apps you have loaded look uninteresting compared to the world that will open up to you after watching this video.

Once you 'visit' these 'seven photographic wonders' of a professional photographer Lorenzo Holder, you will find that you greatly underestimated the range of knowledge camera yours smartphone. These will launch a small sea of new options for, even those that you have had until now in the domain of Photoshop. Yes, you manipulate you can already with the camera itself, practically in parallel with capturing the image(s).

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Do you believe that you don't need Photoshop for such a shot?
Do you believe that you don't need Photoshop for such a shot?

From panorama to underwater photos, these photography tips are short and sweet, but if you follow them, they will add to your pictures creativity, making them really stand out when placed alongside your Instagram arsenal. And don't worry about all the non-users iPhone 5S. Despite the fact that it is demonstration done on the iPhone, these experiments also work on other smartphones.

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More information: cooph.cominstagram.comlorenzholder.com

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