
7 ways you absolutely shouldn't use WD-40, but you've probably used it before?

WD-40 - STOP!

Photo: Jan Macarol

WD-40 seems like a universal tool, but there are places where its use is harmful or even dangerous. Check where you shouldn't use it, even though you might already have it!

WD-40 is a versatile product that most people have at home to quickly solve problems such as squeaky doors, stubborn rust and more. However, its improper use should be taken seriously, as it can cause damage to materials, reduce efficiency, and even compromise safety. Despite the fact that many people use it for almost everything, there are situations where you shouldn't use it - maybe you've done it before and didn't know it. Read below on where to avoid using this popular spray.

Photo: Jan Macarol

1. On the bicycle chain: For cleaning only, not for lubrication

WD-40 is an excellent solution for cleaning bike chains, as it effectively removes dirt and rust. However, this is not the right product for lubrication. WD-40 evaporates quickly and does not provide the long-term protection that a bicycle chain needs to stay smooth and wear-resistant. Frequent use can cause the chain to dry out, which leads to more wear and tear and consequently shortens the life of the chain. Although you may have thought that WD-40 is ideal for lubrication, it is better to use specialized bike lubricants that will protect the chain and extend its life.

Photo: Jan Macarol

Why is this not good for your bike?

Lubricating bicycle chains requires special oils or lubricants that create a protective layer resistant to dirt and water. WD-40 can't do this, which means your chain will become dry and will soon start to squeak. Don't be surprised if you have to replace the chain or even the derailleur soon because of this, which is a much more expensive problem than buying the right lubricant. Also think about the impact on the environment: with proper chain maintenance, you will change bike parts less often and thus reduce your environmental footprint.

2. On car brakes: Absolute prohibition

Using WD-40 on your car's brake pads or discs is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Brakes work on the basis of friction, and WD-40 reduces this friction, which greatly compromises braking power and, consequently, your safety on the road. If the brakes are screeching, this may be a sign that they need service, but do not try to "fix" them with a lubricant such as WD-40.

Why is this dangerous?

Brakes are one of the key parts of a vehicle that ensure safety. If you smear them with WD-40, you will create a slippery surface, which means that the vehicle will not brake effectively. This is especially dangerous in rainy weather or on slippery roads, where the braking force must be optimal. WD-40 doesn't belong on brakes, it should stay where it belongs, like on rusting or squeaky hinges.

3. On electronic devices: Damage to plastics and components

WD-40 is not suitable for cleaning or lubricating electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, televisions or game consoles. If you use it on these devices, you can destroy plastic parts or even cause short circuits, as the oil penetrates inside the device. Additionally, WD-40 is not designed to come into contact with sensitive electronics, which can cause corrosion or malfunction.

Why is this a bad idea?

Electronics are sensitive to moisture and oils, and WD-40 contains ingredients that can corrode plastic materials and insulation. If you use it on your keyboard or phone, you risk destroying the device. Also, long-term exposure to WD-40 can lead to internal components breaking down, meaning expensive repairs or even the need for replacement.

4. On plastic parts (PVC, polycarbonate): Risk of cracks and damage

WD-40 is not suitable for use on all types of plastic. PVC, polycarbonate, and polystyrene are types of plastic that can be damaged when exposed to WD-40. Plastic surfaces can crack or become brittle due to the chemical reaction set off by WD-40.

Why does plastic get damaged?

WD-40 contains solvents that can break down the chemical structure of plastic, causing irreversible damage. This means that, for example, your glasses, plastic tools or toys can be destroyed if they come into contact with this agent. Instead, use products specially designed for cleaning or maintaining plastic parts.

5. On musical instruments: Dissolves adhesives and harms health

WD-40 is not suitable for maintaining musical instruments, especially wind instruments, as it can dissolve the adhesives that hold the pads and other sensitive parts. In addition, inhaling the vapors can be harmful to your health, especially if you use it indoors.

Why is this harmful?

In addition to damaging your instruments, inhaling the chemicals in WD-40 can be dangerous to your health. In an enclosed space such as a music room or studio, fumes accumulate quickly and can cause dizziness, nausea or even difficulty breathing. Health and instruments are too precious to expose them to such risks.

6. Near fire or hot surfaces: Flammable and explosive

WD-40 is extremely flammable and can cause a fire if used near open flames, hot engines or exhaust pipes. Its vapors can ignite even the smallest sparks, so never use it near heat sources.

Why is this dangerous?

The volatile chemicals in WD-40 can quickly ignite and cause an explosion or fire. This is especially dangerous in garages or workshops where engines or other hot surfaces are often present. Any contact with fire or sparks can lead to serious accidents.

Photo: Jan Macarol

7. On surfaces that come into contact with food: Poisoning and digestive problems

Although WD-40 cleans stainless steel perfectly, do not use it on surfaces where you prepare food. Its chemicals can cause poisoning if they come into contact with food and cause digestive problems.

Why is this not safe?

WD-40 contains chemical compounds that can cause stomach irritation, nausea, or vomiting if it comes into contact with food. Even the smallest residue on kitchen surfaces can contaminate food and cause problems. Use safer cleaners that are designed specifically for kitchen surfaces.

Conclusion: Use WD-40 wisely

WD-40 is undoubtedly an extremely versatile product, but that doesn't mean it's suitable for every task. Improper use can damage materials, your health or even cause dangerous situations such as fires. For certain tasks

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