
7 ways to start a conversation with a stranger: you'll get their attention in no time

Photo: envato

Nowadays, people are all too engrossed in their phones, so we rarely engage in a conversation with a random passerby. If we did, we would meet and learn many interesting things. We offer you a series of suggestions on how to start a conversation, so that you will be attracted to the interlocutor in no time.

We offer you a series of suggestions on how to start a conversation, so that you will be attracted to the interlocutor in no time.

Ask for help

Asking for help is often a great starting point for a conversation, because when someone helps you, an invisible bond is forged. While helping someone find the bathroom or guessing what's on the menu with them, you no doubt bond in some way. Idea to start a conversation in the store: ask the nice lady if she thinks the fruit is ripe enough.

Compliment something other than looks

Instead of complimenting something general like their eyes or hair, focus on something that says something more about their personality. A book or purse is a good place to start. It's a classy way to catch up with someone, whether for business or social reasons.

Photo: Unspalsh/Brooke Cagle

Ask for a "fake" favor

This idea is perfect if you find the person you want to hook up with attractive. Humans fundamentally like to help, and doing a small favor is a good reason to start a conversation. Ask a man to help you reach something on a much higher shelf, or to hold a book for you while you rummage through your purse for your wallet.

Show your fun side

There is nothing wrong with asking a person a question peppered with humor. Let's say you're in a grocery store and you ask, in all seriousness, "This is very important: Which apple is better, the Granny Smith or the Topaz?"

Photo: Unspalsh/Priscilla du Preez

Ikea or Queen of England

Researchers have found that some topics are common to many nations and countries. Ikea is one of them. If you're shopping among the racks and want the attention of a pretty girl by the candle rack, try, "I only came here for the Swedish salmon balls, how about you?" Even more fun is that situation with the Queen of England or any other famous person. "You look familiar to me. We attended the same private dinner at the White House, where the Queen of England was also present," is a question that will surely make the person on the other end laugh.

Movie quote

No one knows how to start conversations better than screenwriters. The best conversation starters in movies are the ones that ask questions, tease, and reveal some unusual or surprising truths about themselves. "On the one hand, it is very difficult for a person to even talk to someone who looks like you. On the other hand, that should be your problem,” asks Will Smith in the role of Hitch. You can also try "What is a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?" from Bond's You Only Live Twice.

Photo: Unspalsh/Cristina Gottardi

A bet

One of the tips is to go up to a person who catches your eye and tell him that you need him to settle a bet between you and your friend. For example, say, “Can you help? You see, my friends and I have this bet and we need an outside perspective. My friend says the moon is a planet. I say that the moon is not an independent planet."


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