
7 AM–7 PM: In the morning and in the evening, we are completely different people

Portrait Series 7AM-7PM

People spend a good amount of time in front of the mirror every morning, where we take care of our appearance, which will accompany us throughout the day. Everyone takes care of themselves differently, but one thing, even if we don't even realize it, is common to all of us. During the day, our appearance changes radically, albeit imperceptibly, due to many factors. Don't believe it? Take a selfie right before you leave the bathroom in the morning, and then another before you go to bed. You will be amazed at the difference!

Morning and evening we humans are a completely different person, at least in terms of appearance. This topic attracted the Belgian photographer Barbara Iweins, which is on the example of portraits (series 7AM-7PM) showed incredible style transformation during the day, which we are not even aware of. Mine portraits she caught seven in the morning and seven in the evening.

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People in the morning and in the evening, at least in terms of appearance, can we show a completely different face. Stress, chores, weather, etc. they strongly influence not only ours feeling, all this is also strongly expressed on our face. And here's the proof.

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