
8 glasses of water a day - myth or truth?

One of the tips we hear almost every day is how much water we should drink daily. At least 2 liters a day, they say. Is it true?

The need for daily hydration it varies from person to person. It depends on the person's health condition, size, amount of sweating, etc. It is also a fact that water is consumed with practically all prepared food, other drinks, fruit and vegetables, and thus the amount of water consumed is very difficult to measure. Experts estimate that we also 'drink' with food 20 % of water, which is otherwise consumed during the day. So is it really necessary to count the glasses or bottles of water?

It didn't. Instead, act according to your body's reactions, listen to it. Drink when your body says it's time. If you have dry mouth or if darker colored urine, and then pour yourself a glass or two. In this way, you will cross off one more task from your schedule, which may take you a while unnecessary haunts. You have enough of the others, right?

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