Today, men no longer remember to open the car door for a woman, to hold her coat. Being a gentleman means having respect for yourself and others. The concept of the cavalier is rare these days, but it is not dead nor outdated, it can still be found in the society we live in.
A true gentleman knows the rules, has principles and is steadfast in following them. Habits change over the years, as do relationships between people. And not only that, gender relations have also changed.
In the past, men were raised to respect women, a certain pattern of behavior was simply taken for granted. Their role was similar to that of a knight who protects, respects and compliments his wife.
Here are 8 habits that make a man a real gentleman.
1. Stands up when a woman enters the room
In the past, men showed respect to women and the elderly by standing up when one of them entered the room. The men also stood up when someone approached them and introduced themselves.
2. The cavalier walks next to the woman from the side closer to the street
A symbolic sign of protection of a woman from various things - from rain, cars, it gave her a sense of security. Now, everyone is just rushing to their destination, they don't care about others.
3. He opens and holds the door for her
Decades ago, when ladies traveled in carriages, a cavalier offered them a hand to help them climb into the carriage; in addition, they also opened the door for them. In the middle of the century, this custom was transferred to cars, but today it is more often than not a forgotten shape.
4. He moves the chair
This used to be a completely normal scene in a restaurant, at home, wherever there were chairs. Few men today think of such a thing. It used to be that the men sat down on the chair only after the woman sat down, this is not the case today.
5. He follows her home
A true gentleman followed the woman to the house to make sure she arrived home safely. Today, women return home alone.
6. He is never late
Traffic jams were never an excuse to be late. A real man plans everything in advance and never keeps a lady waiting.
7. A cavalier asks a woman's father for her hand in marriage
This expressed courtesy and respect for the family of the woman he loved. Today, this process is almost eradicated.
8. He never used it
Since virginity was preserved for marriage, it would be a great sin and shame for both of them. This principle has long since been lost.
Being a gentleman means being at the wheel of your life.