
8 items in the home that you should regularly change for hygiene reasons

Photo: envato

In order to maintain a harmonious and healthy living environment, we must pay attention to items in the home that need to be changed regularly. Just like the changing seasons, some items in our homes need to be replaced from time to time to ensure a comfortable and safe life and healthy home maintenance.

Maintaining your home in optimal condition is not just aesthetics; it's about providing a safe and comfortable environment for you and your loved ones. Do not forget regularly replace these basic household items, as you will create a space that promotes well-being and a harmonious lifestyle.

1. Pillows

Pillows they're your ticket to a good night's sleep, but they don't last forever. Over time, mites accumulate on them and lose their shape, which can cause discomfort and even allergies. Changing your pillows every 1-2 years will help you rest better and prevent allergies.

2. Toothbrushes

Oral hygiene is paramount, and your toothbrush is critical in this endeavor. Dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every three months, or sooner if the bristles have broken down. A fresh toothbrush helps maintain healthy gums and shiny teeth.

Maintaining your home also includes replacing items. Photo: Cottonbro/Pexels

3. Smoke detectors

Your home safety depends on working smoke detectors. To function properly, they must be replaced every ten years. Regular testing and new batteries are also essential to maintaining a safe environment.

4. Kitchen sponges

Kitchen sponges are a breeding ground for bacteria, so it's crucial to change them every week, depending on how you use them. Alternatively, you can disinfect sponges by placing them in the microwave or washing them in the dishwasher, but they still have a limited shelf life.

5. Air filters

Clean indoor air is vital to your well-being. Regularly changing air filters every 3-6 months ensures that your home remains free of allergens and pollutants, contributing to a healthier living environment.

6. Pans

Non-stick pans can make cooking easy, but the non-stick coating wears off over time. Replace these pans every 3-5 years or when you notice surface damage to maintain the quality of your meals and the health of your family.

For home maintenance, it is important to have a wide selection of products available. Photo: Cottonbro/Pexels

7. Mattresses

A good night's sleep starts with a comfortable mattress. While high-quality mattresses can last up to a decade, it's essential to replace them every 7-10 years to ensure your back and spine receive the support they need for a restful night's sleep.

8. Cleaning material

Cleaning tools such as brooms, mops and vacuum cleaners play a vital role in maintaining a clean and healthy home. Replace these items as needed when they show signs of wear and tear to ensure your home stays fresh.

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