
8 mistakes you are making with contact lenses

Glasses are much healthier than contact lenses, and they also look very attractive. However, occasionally contact lenses are much more practical. At a party, while running or in the water, corrective glasses are a great help. Read on for a list of contact lens mistakes and avoid unnecessary complications.

Here are 8 mistakes you're making with contact lenses. They might save you some trouble in the future.

You don't wash your hands.

We all know that clean hands are an absolute prerequisite for inserting contact lenses. However, the question is whether you really wash your hands directly before inserting the lenses every time without exception. It is also important to wash your hands really thoroughly, as certain bacteria stubbornly stick to the skin and can be transferred to the eyes.

You apply your make-up before inserting the lenses.

Always insert your lenses before applying makeup. Otherwise, the water in which the lenses are stored can spoil all your efforts.

You don't have to worry about the lens case.

The lens container must be cleaned regularly and replaced with a new one every month. After using the lenses, it must be closed even if it is empty. Otherwise, it is a paradise for bacteria.

The lens container also needs to be properly cared for.
The lens container also needs to be properly cared for.

You wear them in the shower.

If you wear your lenses in the shower even while washing your hair, you risk seriously drying out your eyes. Moisture affects the shape of the lenses, so you have to remove them every time you go to the shower or sauna.

You don't use lens fluid.

If you do not use lens fluid, but instead try to replace it with filtered water or similar preparations, you risk an eye infection.

You reuse the lens fluid.

Instead of using fresh liquid every night, you simply throw the lenses into the previous day's liquid. This can lead to infections.

You risk infection with old lens fluid.
You risk infection with old lens fluid.

You wear them too long.

The lenses do not let in enough oxygen and dry out the eyes. In principle, it is safe to wear lenses for up to 14 hours a day, but it is recommended that this time be shortened as much as possible.

You are past their expiration date.

It's quite tempting to use monthly lenses for an extra week or two. After all, contact lenses aren't exactly cheap. However, lenses become thinner and damaged with use, which can also damage your eyes.

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