
8 science-backed ways to avoid procrastination

8 science-backed ways to avoid procrastination

Do you keep procrastinating and prefer to postpone obligations? Enough. We have prepared tips for overcoming duty avoidance. Here are 8 science-backed ways to avoid procrastination.

8 science-backed ways to avoid procrastination:

1. What is holding you back?

The key to overcoming procrastination is focusing on a clear goal. We often set too many things for ourselves and get overwhelmed. How about choosing just one task for a change and completing it next week?

2. Get started today

So, when you have a task on your list waiting to be done, take action immediately. Even today. If that seems a bit daunting or if you feel like you don't have time, opt for the 5-minute miracle. Read on to see what I'm talking about.

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3. The 5-minute miracle

The 5-minute miracle is one of the best techniques for procrastinators. Ask yourself, “Um, what can I do TODAY in less than five minutes?” Once you've decided on a (small) task, set a timer for five minutes to spend on the task. Research shows that once we just start doing something, we are much more likely to get it done. This is evidenced by the Ziegarnik effect. Remember: small actions equal action. They can lead to great results.

4. Intensive working hours

The hour of power, as the Americans call it, is intended for concentrated work. After a full hour of work, take a short break for optimal brain function.

Did you know that the sooner we forgive ourselves for past procrastination, the easier it is to let go of putting off future obligations and take "action"?
Did you know that the sooner we forgive ourselves for past procrastination, the easier it is to let go of putting off future obligations and take "action"?

5. Be compassionate with yourself

Did you know that the sooner we forgive ourselves for past procrastination, the easier it is to stop putting off future obligations and take action?

6. Clear up ambiguities

Sometimes it's very helpful to understand why you're procrastinating. What are you afraid of? Are you overwhelmed and don't know where to start? Identifying your fears can greatly help you achieve your goals.

7. Go with the flow

Most people simply accumulate too much. One way to stop procrastination is to decide what you will never do. Can you cross something off the to-do list? Allow yourself to simply not do something.

8. Have fun

A final way to motivate task completion is a reward. So, what will you treat yourself to? What will you treat yourself to?

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