
8 signs that a woman is unhappy in her marriage

Photo: Tamara Bellis / Unsplash

Men, how can you tell if your partner is unhappy in a relationship? Follow the signs described below.

Women today are the opposite of the women of past generations. They are completely open and ready to leave the marriage if men do not treat them equally and respectfully. Feeling sad when her partner neglects her.

Here are some signs that women show when they are in an unhappy marriage.

The wife stops communicating with her husband

It is a known fact that women like to talk. If a woman does not communicate, she has something on her mind that is bothering her.


He gets angry very quickly

When women are unfulfilled and unhappy, they are apt to scheme and get angry over every little thing. If a woman gets angry with you quickly, this is another sign that all is not well in your relationship.

She is always tired

One study found that women in unhappy marriages have higher levels of cortisol, which leads to chronic fatigue.


He says "no" to intimate relationships

Women who are unhappy with their marriage do not like being touched or kissed by their partner.

There are secrets

When a woman acts secretive and does not want to share everything that happens in her life, it means only one thing, she is unhappy in the relationship with you.


Lose confidence

When a woman loses her confidence, every little thing is scrutinized. She checks your phone… Talk to her to improve your relationship.

He does not devote himself to his partner

When a woman loses interest in her husband, it is obvious that she is unhappy in her marriage.


He only thinks about himself

An unhappy woman becomes selfish. He dedicates all his time exclusively - to himself.

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