Every parent wants their children to be happy, to experience as little sadness and frustration as possible and to become successful people. And everyone tries their best.
Read on for a list of interesting things that will show you that you are on the right track and that you are a great parent.
1. Allow them to get dirty
Let the child roll on the floor, to get dirty, to be abundant in nature. Let him run his hands through the mud, jump in puddles and roll in the grass. This should strengthen his immune system and his inner happiness. Not only are such activities extremely interesting and fun for children, but you will also allow them to explore and learn about the natural environment around them, which will have a positive impact on their personality development.
2. Read them their favorite book several times
Reading to children is one of the best forms of teaching. It is necessary to start reading to children when they are very young, and above all, it is necessary to pay attention that they understand what is read. Reading is supposed to develop a child's imagination, language skills, and at the same time a sense of connection. While reading try to feel it in different roles. This is how the story will become more attractive and fun. Be prepared to read his favorite book several times.
Photo: Scott Webb/Pexels
3. Allow them to enjoy being bored
Modern society has developed an unusual fear of boredom. We fill children's rooms with dozens of toys, or even to keep them from getting too bored, we turn on the TV and put mobile devices in their hands. It is necessary to show the child that boredom is pleasant. A child's own research world is supposed to stimulate imagination, creativity and his physical and social skills. So sometimes you allow him to get bored too. When the brain is not under the pressure of external influences, the imagination begins to work. With this, the child should strengthen mental abilities, patience and get to know himself better.
4. Support their creative play
Most parents have already experienced that a child creates something only for a short time, quickly changes his mind and moves on to another game. When a child creates, is playing by itself, let it and don't limit it with time. The child should get to know as many creative ways as possible, where he will think and strengthen his imagination. With this, he should acquire the ability to express himself better.
Photo: Lina Kivaka/Pexels
5. Allow yourself to be dressed
If you let your child dress you up in the funny and crazy combination you become pirate or queen (and no, it's not carnival time), you will enjoy the laughter and joy together. Such creative play should help the child develop emotional intelligence and strengthen his self-confidence. The child is what he is in the imaginary world, so join him sometime without a bad conscience.
6. Teach them skills they will use in the real world
Children often like to study what adults are doing and want to be included in their daily activities. They are often more interested in such actions than toys. Joint cooking, cleaning and independent housework appropriate to the child's age should give the feeling that everyone in the family is working together and growing together.
Photo: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels
7. You play on their level
Get down to child's level, hug, tickle, hide, chase. Not only does daily play bond you, but it will also make you feel better. A case of dedicated time, which you dedicate to your child, even if it is a game that may not be your favorite.
8. You show them how to take risks and make decisions
While many mothers instinctively worry and fear that theirs would the child fell and injured himself, they do nothing useful by doing so. Climbing trees and rocks and jumping in streams should help children to they learn to solve problems, they test their mental and physical abilities, learn what teamwork is, use "common sense", make their own decisions and thus understand more easily what the consequences can be. As they say, we learn the most from our own mistakes.