
8 Signs Your Plants Are Sick - And How To Fix It

Photo: envato

Plants, like living things, show different signs when they are not feeling well. Recognizing these signs is the key to timely action and solving the problem. In the following, we will present the eight most common signs that your plant is sick, and offer you tips on how to eliminate them.

character recognition, that your plants are sick is the first step to treatment. With timely action and proper care, most problems can be eliminated and the plant can be restored to health. Don't forget to regularly check your plant, adjust the growing conditions and use the appropriate products for protection and strengthening plants.

1. Wilting or yellowing of leaves

If your plant's leaves are wilting or turning yellow, this is often a sign of a watering problem. Too much or too little water can cause stress, causing leaves to wilt or turn yellow.

How to fix it: Check soil moisture. If the soil is dry, water the plant, but make sure that the water does not stagnate in the pot. If the soil is too wet, allow better drainage and reduce the frequency of watering.

Photo: Guezada/Pexels

2. Fallen leaves

Leaf drop can be caused by many factors, including transplant stress, temperature changes, over- or under-watering, or even pests.

How to fix it: Identify the cause and eliminate it. If you transplanted the plant, give it some time to recover. Adjust watering and protect the plant from extreme temperature changes.

3. Browning on the leaves

Brown spots on the leaves are often the result of excessive exposure to the sun, a lack of moisture or minerals, or an attack of disease.

How to fix it: Move the plant to a place with less direct sunlight, check the soil moisture regularly and use a fertilizer that contains the necessary nutrients. If disease is suspected, use an appropriate fungicide.

Roots that are soft and mushy are a sign of rot from overwatering or poor drainage
Photo: Teona/Pexels

4. All kinds of bugs

The presence of bugs such as aphids, mites or caterpillars can quickly weaken your plant.

How to fix it: Remove pests by hand or use natural insecticides such as neem oil or insecticidal soap. In severe cases, use chemical insecticides, but be careful not to damage the plant.

5. Long, spreading stems and branches

If your plant develops long, thin stems or branches, this is often a sign that it is not getting enough light.

How to fix it: Move the plant to a brighter location or use artificial lighting if natural light is limited. Turn the plant regularly so that it is evenly lit from all sides.

Too much or too little water can cause stress, causing leaves to wilt or turn yellow.
Photo: Teona/Pexels

6. Pulp roots

Roots that are soft and mushy are a sign of rot from overwatering or poor drainage.

How to fix it: Carefully dig up the plant and remove the damaged roots. Transplant it into fresh, well-drained soil and adjust the watering regime.

7. Slow growth and curled leaves

Slow growth and curled leaves can be a sign of nutrient deficiencies or inadequate growing conditions.

How to fix it: Check the quality of the soil and add fertilizer if necessary. Ensure adequate light and temperature conditions and proper watering.

8. Unhealthy plant stems

If your plant's stems are soft, rotting, or full of cracks, this is a serious sign of problems that could include overwatering, disease, or pests.

How to fix it: Cut off damaged stems and provide better growing conditions. Use fungicides if fungal infections are suspected and insecticides if pests are involved.

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